Travel Travel In War Zones

Social, humanitarian or business reasons, travel must be well prepared in war zones. Travel warnings, certainly not unexpectedly, there are currently countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, but for Pakistan, Mali and Georgia, the Foreign Ministry expresses so-called travel warnings of part of. The list of current armed conflicts of the Department of peace and conflict research of at Uppsala of University (in Swedish and English) is far more comprehensive than the list of the Foreign Office. This is not about the safety of travelers, but the ongoing scientific documentation of conflicts around the world, whose recording is however about a year behind the time. In 2010 thus also countries like Turkey and Thailand because of political unrest were regarded as areas of conflict”, in which but for travelers not more threatened than in other countries. Despite the warnings and many obvious risks, flights to these and many other crisis-hit countries are possible.

For example scheduled flights from Berlin or Frankfurt in the Libyan capital of Tripoli is offered by Lufthansa, Egypt air and Tunis air. And from Munich to get to Kabul with Emirates and Safi Afghan airline. Turkish Airlines and Egypt air also offer flights from several German airports in the Iraq. For the Antilles Island of Haiti, a travel warning, the Foreign Ministry is also for a long time, but, the capital Port-au-Prince can be reached by flights of the U.S. lines of American Airlines and United Airlines from German airports. Also, the U.S. cruise company, Royal Caribbean Cruises has leased an area around the harbour of the Haitian peninsula of Labadee and offers on many Caribbean cruise country course on Labadee. However, trips in the other areas of the island State are not organized.

Apart from such exceptional arrangements are irrelevant war zones and crisis areas for tourists when planning the next summer holidays. Even experienced Globetrotters draw for a busy Adventure holiday floats not a tourist destination considering, on one day in danger. The economic factor is not among tourism in war-torn areas of course the priorities. Bluntly, they have other worries. Apart from military operations and occasional State visits, to travel for business, are most travellers in war zones and crisis areas often with handsome hazard pay of their employers, or provide humanitarian assistance. Although flights are chartered by relief organizations such as the International Red often cross, UNESCO and doctors without borders, because in addition to the helpers also equipment and supplies need to be transported, but some airlines such as Badr airlines of Sudan cooperate with the relief agencies to bring urgently needed food and medical supplies in various parts of the country. Special safety regulations apply to air travel in war zones for personnel and machines. In particular local airlines are subject to strict controls by the International Confederation IATA Airlines. At outbreak of war or escalation of unrest or other crises, the scheduled air services in the affected countries or regions can be set also. Of course should inform themselves of all travellers in war zones and crisis areas prior to departure thoroughly about the situation in the country and all safety precautions and behave always vigilantly and prudently during the entire trip.
