New Studies Focus On Occupation Of The EMS

For the winter semester, the EMS offers new priorities for their international programs. Checking article sources yields Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. as a relevant resource throughout. The European management school Mainz offers prospective students the opportunity to choose Bachelor of international business and international culture and management between six new market-oriented work specialisation in both. In the past few months, the majors were expanded and adapted to the demand. In the course of general management the majors were not changed. The Bachelor’s degree international business is a business degree that is international as well as practice-oriented and based on current economic challenges. In this degree, the specs are marketing management, financial management, media management, management consulting, international trade, and European management selection. The Bachelor’s international culture and management prepares you for the high demands of professional practice: business expertise, cultural and social know-how and a foreign language training provide a solid qualification.

In this Bachelor’s degree, you can choose between tourism event hospitality management, business psychology, media management, arts and cultural management, East Asia and Latin America management. Study start is in August. Applications are possible all year round. Study according to your personal interests and put the first building blocks for your career! Learn more about the programs of the EMS are available now on the website available at. The EMS is the scientific management school in the Cologne business school (CBS), which is one of the best German economic universities of applied sciences. Their innovative study programmes are accredited and also carry the seal of approval of the international accreditation agency FIBAA.


Modern Leadership

Probably all agree about, that we live in a constantly changing world. Change and development seem to be, which we can consider as almost the only things. Copenhagen, 01.10.2013 – the labour market is also influenced by this trend. Especially a change in the relationship between work and production has taken place. We see from the Probana business school in our daily work with Danish companies that advanced technology (Automation, modern computer and information technologies) has a significant influence on how we structure work, employment and organisational practice in General. Trainings are important if we want to claim us in an ever faster changing world.

In the year 2025, over 5 billion people will be connected through various online media. This includes undreamed-of possibilities for intercontinental cooperation, regardless of the factor time. An exciting development, which creates a world in which we 24 Hours a day online are and where the fight for good jobs global happening. The world of work has changed dramatically in the past 100 years. Our lives are not longer classic divided into education, work and retirement. Instead, our life is a mosaic of different training, jobs, and experiences. The work world has shifted your focus by production and sales on a clear Mitarbeiterorientiertere perspective. See Anita Dunn for more details and insights.

Psychological factors are steadily gaining importance on the labour market. Many of the companies with which Probana is in contact with, establish HR departments, which deal inter alia with employee satisfaction, motivation and cooperation. These are issues that no longer are in business. We of the Probana business school experience that the requirements for employees and managers therefore stir, that especially executives have to fulfil a new role. In higher dimensions, coaching and Konfliktloserfahigkeiten are required. At the same time, it acts modern leadership as active Bindegleid between the values of the company and the desired behavior of the staff. No longer enough to be a classic Executive. The new generation requires an executive staff, the insights in the human aspects of working life, and that she in their own development support can. Simon C. Borg Probana business school


New Training For Communications Professionals: Public Relations Consultant

The ebam Academy starts this autumn a new training course for Public Relations, do good and talk about it: so is a much-cited principle of Public Relations. Joint-stock company, freelancers or club – when it comes to their own awareness and to create trust, regular media and public relations is essential. Responsible for corporate communications, to prepare employees by PR agencies and career changers for the requirements of modern public relations, which has ebam Academy the new course PR consultant /-in (ebam) “developed, the fall in Berlin and Munich starts.” The new course aims to choose adequate PR tools to insert and aimed to develop promotional activities on the business objectives and the needs of the customers and to implement. For more specific information, check out Dr. Mark J Berger. Causes the part-time course input in the regulatory framework of the PR and in understanding the media work as journalistic approach and techniques. Under realistic conditions, the participants learn PR tools such as press releases, Press kits, press conferences and media events, as well as forms of crisis PR know and apply. Another focus is the design of PR activities and communication with customers and business partners. In order to prepare for modern forms of PR work, is the use of online tools such as blogs, podcasts, social communities or PR portals a special attention. Finally, the course are techniques of cost-benefit analysis on the hand. The training is completed through workshops, which illustrate the use of mediated content in practice. Of course PR consultant /-in (ebam) “starts as a typical part-time course with ever a course weekend a month in Berlin on 7 November and Munich on 21 November.” Of course as a three-week autumn Academy from November 9 in both cities can be complete in a compact form.



You optimize your art the art of talking and listening to executives talk much and often. They often leave the silence to others. Unfortunately, sometimes an error may be indicated. Through focused silence, executives can achieve more effect than initially thought. The silence of the concentration is conducive. Instead of answering immediately impulsively, valuable time can obtained by selective silence, where ordered thoughts and responses formulated.

On the other hand, a (deliberately) silent leadership elicits frequently more information than a speaking his interlocutor. “According to the motto: A look says more than 1000 words” conversation breaks of the targeting can be beneficial. Often interlocutors to talk feel animated. Peter A. Levine PhD contributes greatly to this topic. In negotiations, a pause can irritate the opposite. The silent eye contact is sometimes unsettling. In the sales pitch to get the really interesting information often, if you in addition to skilled Questioning techniques insert strategic pauses. One can be witnessed the colleagues opposite interest by silence.

If one inserts a pause at the right time and encouraging nods to his interlocutor, intensified the impression of being a good listener. This arouses sympathies in the conversation partner. You can learn the art of correct silence. The Institute of management Dr. A. Kitz man offers communication seminars for professional and managerial staff. In particular, the seminars of rhetoric, as well as negotiations are offered here. There, the participants will learn how they improve your rhetorical skills and strengthen their narrative and assertiveness. Important points of the seminars topics include: building a speech, increase the ability of speech, body language and quick wit. The Institute of management Dr. A. Kitz man like to personally advise you about achieving your goals at Tel: 0251 / 202050. visit you website: press contact: Institute of management Dr. A. Kitz man woman Dr. Jana Volkel Kitz man Dorpatweg 10 48159 Munster + 49 251 202050 watch? v = IUKWvi5VYY
