
PROVINCE CISPLATINA After the discoveries, the Spanish Empire controlled almost all the coastal zone of Americas in the Atlantic and the Pacific, with exception of the area delimited for the Meridian of Tordesilhas, pertaining Portugal, since the Alasca to the Patagnia, including Central America, the Caribbean and Argentina, dividing them in four Vice-Kingdom of New Spain, New Granada, Peru and Rio of the Silver and in the seven General Captainships of Guatemala, Chile, Santo Domingo, Rich Port, Cuba, Yucatan and Venezuela, of highest warlike power, citizens the attacks of pirates and privateers. The region to the south of Brazil called Cisplatina Province or Eastern Province, current Uruguay, was part of the Vice-reign of the River of the Silver, but they had been the Portuguese who first had sailed for those waters, of luck that Amrico Vespcio thought to have a ticket to the South of the American continent for the east. It is given credit that it has been the first European to touch the Province, 1501. In 1514, it was the time of Estevo Fris and Joo of Lisbon, with two caravelas and seventy men to exceed the limits of the Meridian of Tordesilhas and to discover the estuary of the River of the Silver. (Similarly see: Dr. Mark J Berger). In January of 1520, Ferno de Magalhes skirted the Handle of Saint Maria and in day 10 it sighted a hill which gave the name of Montevidi, future Motevidu.

Cristvo Jacques discovered the River Paran, in 1521. To know more about this subject visit Somatic Experiencing. In 1527, Sebastio Caboto explored the rivers Paran and Uruguay and established the Fort of San Salvador in the confluence of the rivers Uruguay and San Salvador, destroyed for the indians charruas, in 1529..


Daily Years

Although, great part of its notice is tragedies and catastrophes, I believe that he is one of the few trustworthy telejornais of the country. Sant&#039 Barbarian; anna Medeiros, 24 years. Student of Pedagogia I generally do not believe completely the informaestransmitidas ones in the media in general. At a first moment, I feel diffidence. Celestial Ceclia Freitas Alves. Historian Contentment, to know that Brazil is prospering with adescoberta of Daily pay-Salt, beyond other information that they show to be with ascontas in day and that already we are looked at with affection for the comunidadeinternacional. Cid Robert Vaske, 50 years. Sociologist I do not see nothing that can come to desacrescentar me to ouacrescentar me in what I am.

Rafael Sant' anna Medeiros, 22 years. Student of Physics the National Periodical in the will of being optimum of all, arrived to write a book that in my opinion if is similar to the Universalque Church makes the brainwashing saying that she is only the true one, only says anotcia without commenting it. The Periodical of the Band, in contrast, comments and makes criticized will be the case. The National Periodical is Radical. Peter Taraczuk, 70 years. Pensioner To each day, the National Periodical in them presents notice in quepodemos to observe only one point of view, in which the presenter repasses anotcia of form that today is judged as standard, however adolescent as I, am not adjusted to a standard. Being thus, the National Periodical to deveriainteragir with the viewer, being shown notice that agree to attend fugindodo padronismo not only, having two an ample journalist and point of view. Helium Vargas Sant' Anna, 17 years.

Student of Average Education I am fan of the presenters, Willian Bonner and FtimBernardes; sensible, intelligent and perfect people. Already we had others muitosbons, but, currently, I find that she gave certain. However, I believe that maneirade to make the Periodical, more necessarily, when they pass the notice, I notice quealgumas are ' ' mascaradas' ' , not for guilt of the presenters, but dosistema.
