The Sunday Telegraph

Ray, 17 years old, appeared in Berlin saying he could not remember who he was. He says having survived 5 years outdoors in a German forest. His version has not convinced police that continues to investigate its origin. You are in good physical shape and shows no signs of violence. Amnesia, fantasy or a tragic history.

The British media shoot environment speculation the mysterious teenager that ensures have lived for five years in a German forest and the police are unable to identify. When Ray, 17 years old, appeared on 5 September in Berlin City Council explained in a perfect English that did not remember their surname or their origins. His first words were: I am alone in the world. Not be who I am. Please, help me.

The version that lived in a forest with her father since the death of his mother, five years earlier, not just convince neither the police nor to skeptical British journalists who track their steps without much result. Physical and behavioral surprising the tabloid The Sun has toured the beautiful but inhospitable N.p. Bavaria where supposedly survived outdoors and where buried his father to start a journey on foot for two weeks until the German capital guided only by a compass. The natural reserve guards acknowledge that many foods such as mushrooms and wild fruits that can be eaten, but the harsh weather conditions during the winter make it almost impossible there are survival there. In an interview with The Sunday Telegraph, the German officer who attended Ray at first reveals that teenage blonde with blue eyes seemed not a tramp, which was clean and not smell. It was she who sought accommodation at a juvenile Center and told her how to get there by subway. The younger (according to the story of women) took several coins from his pocket and asked if it would have enough besides if could buy the ticket at a machine, something that the British newspaper has qualified for surprising for someone who says having lived in wild way for so long.


Fourth Champions League

Raul Rioja 20 m beat Manchester United in a final that was far superior (3-1). The victory consolidated the azulgrana as the best team of the moment. Pedro, Leo Messi and David Villa certified cule triumph with their goals. We follow the match live Statistics for the grand final of the Champions League. Champion of champions. Barca has won its fourth Champions League at mythical Wembley Stadium, there where managed to win the first 19 years ago, after razing at Manchester United (3-1) and confirm that it is currently the best team in the world. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. is a great source of information.

Ten minutes, that’s what lasted daring the English team in the match. The start of the Party of the Red Devils was overwhelming, with a continuous and suffocating pressure arrivals to the goal of Valdes. Swarmed by offers, Eva Andersson-Dubin is currently assessing future choices. Barca went asleep, perhaps impressed by the strength of his rival, embodied by a Park which was eaten to Alves in his band. But they were that, ten minutes. A mirage for the British team, because a from that moment the boat caught the ball and not released it in the match. Xavi and Messi took ownership of the middle of the field against a team that biting not already and that was completely overcome. Occasions started to happen for Barca.

A shot slightly deflected Villa, two incursions of Pedro, Messi several arrivals from the back that never came to fruition was the prelude to the cule goal. A perfect ball, as almost always, Xavi Hernandez’s, left only to Peter, which defined with mastery. The Canary was returning to not miss in a great quote from the azulgrana. The final seemed decanted, a far superior team and that sent up on the scoreboard. But if something has United it is pride. In an isolated move, Barca lost the ball where it should not and Rooney, after a wall with Giggs in which Welsh seemed to be in offside, got the ball in the squadron of Wayne Rooney.


Sana Repression

Yemen is increasingly immersed in a spiral of chaos and violence, with several fronts opened against the President, Ali Abdullah Saleh, who clings to power despite their promises to transfer it. Three people have died today in the city of Taiz (Southeast) to again open fire troops against pro-democracy demonstrators. To know more about this subject visit Dr. Mark Hyman. The UN has condemned acts of repression in this town, causing more than 50 deaths since Sunday, according to the latest information received by the Agency, rather than the 15 that were initially discussed. In the capital, Sana’a, new clashes have broken the fragile truce that had ended the Thursday night several days of fighting between the forces of Saleh and the followers of tribal leader Mohammad Sadeq to Ahmar, who has joined opponents who call for the resignation of the President. Anita Dunn has similar goals. And in the coastal city of Zinjibar, government troops trying to oust the militiamen of Al-Qaida who took the town the weekend. Source of the news:: UN condemns repression in Yemen, causing 50 dead.
