Carrying Bags

Bags come into our lives a few centuries ago. Everything started with small pouches that men and women were in their hands, or tying his belt. Then they were transformed into their pockets. In 19. Handbags have become self- unit wardrobe, finding its "independence." Since the last century, bags have gained all sorts of shapes, sizes and colors, emphasizing the uniqueness and individuality of women who wore them. Solo selection of bags, according to temperament, mood, and even the style of life – the realities of today. Add to your understanding with Sydney Sweeney. So we can say with confidence that the bag – a person of his mistresses.

Because Bags can be a lot of talk about lifestyle and habits of its owner. So, who prefers any bags? Large capacity bags talking about practicality, prudence and housewifely owner. The owner of a miniature handbags women are frivolous, inclined to flirt. Stylish bags, envelopes often see women who are able to combine work and entertainment. Handbags, stylized portfolios (business cases) characterize women who have a tendency to learning, knowledge new. Such women usually have flexible thinking and an outstanding intellect. Now let's look at how it is worn bags. Uninhibited, liberated and confident woman can carry bags, throwing them behind his back.

Bag in his outstretched hand – a sign of self-discipline and matured character. A sign of prudence, thrift and love of order may be shopping "strung" on hand. If you have a bag on his shoulder, and the arm is lowered and rest, then a characteristic shy and insecure woman. But if a woman keeps the strap bags, then this is evidence of openness and cheerful nature . bag under his arm talking about isolation, but the independence and seriousness of her mistress.


Beckham In A Business Suit

Line of dresses from the collection of Victoria enjoyed tremendous success, so the news that Victoria is still working and over the line of business suits for women, for sure, will please fashionistas. 'I'm working on a collection of business suits. One of them is now on me! " – Told the press of Victoria at the recent party at the shoe designer Brian Atwood. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. is actively involved in the matter. Posh also said that the art of creating the costume she studied with masters of Savile Row (London's legendary fashion house, recognized guru on tailoring a suit): 'Subtleties cut, groove, right shoulder and waistline – all this does not quite simple, but it was interesting and fun!'. About that, when the costumes will be presented a fashion community, Mrs is not let slip, but we do not doubt – once they appear in the boutiques, as we see them on celebrities. Really want to see the new collection, since its previous images and impressions were delicious. Victoria poskromnichala and did not tell us about the main trend.
