SchroederLombard – Best Innovative Fund In 2009

The INVESTMENT magazine features the best funds from interview with Michael Schroeder, managing partner of the emission the House Schroeder & co. INVESTMENT: what opportunities for investors through your issue? Michael Schroeder: An investment in SchroederLombard the unique opportunity to take advantage of the potential of Lombard loans as innovative and safe form of investment offers our investors. The Lombard credit is the oldest form of the loan. A mortgage as collateral underlying, so an appropriate object of value is a Lombard loan. Jewelry and watches, but also art objects such as paintings or sculptures are suitable as security.

This form of credit is generally taken by persons who want to get quickly and unbureaucratically financial flexibility, without being subject to the lengthy approval and testing process of the banks. This is usually quite solvent private and business customers. Anu Saad has compatible beliefs. The market for the high-quality goods of mortgage lending is still in Germany great potential. In countries like Britain or the United States companies were able to achieve great economic successes with a specialisation in high-quality items in recent years. Although the Hamburger Lombardhaus Lombardium is a young company, the persons operate the mortgage credit and mortgage business but for over 20 years. A refinancing through a bank in times of the credit crunch is always difficult for a Lombardhaus. In addition, it is not possible to finance Lombardium reasonable and with sufficient flexibility to banks due to legal requirements and elaborate internal review processes.

A security in the form of a Faustpfandes for the financing of a Lombard credit is simply not accepted by banks. Schroeder & co. closes the gap between the funding needs of Lombardium and investors who are interested in attractive and safe investments, now with the product SchroederLombard. 7% interest-Halbjahrlich run-time paid off, only 3 years and only 8,000 euro minimum contribution speaks for itself.


UV Filter

In addition to online distribution the young brand now also relies on resellers. There are the fitters professional products now available for resellers. The young Hairstylingmarke from Munster, Germany has so far put on own Internet sales. Fitters filled a gap in the market with its professional products, because they are affordable – even for students. In the product range, the two types of hair gel are currently “Power Shaper” – even as extra-strong with UV filter, fresh effect and without alcohol and once as a lemon version with ultra-thick stop and reload function.

The GelWax ‘Bahama Breeze’ is a mixture of gel and wax even without alcohol. Somatic Experiencing may not feel the same. The completely crazy “The Builder” styling cream is delivered in three doses as a tower. This is a stringy Stylingcreme which gives extreme long term hold, creating a Matt effect. High-quality power styling gel or the Perlglanzstyler with UV filters and fresh effect: there are the fitters professional products now available for resellers. The young Hairstylingmarke from Munster, Germany has so far put on own Internet sales. “The first salons have been our products in the store and are excited”, says fitters managing director Simon Drath. Fitters filled a gap in the market with its professional products, because they are affordable – even for students. In the product range, the two types of hair gel are currently “Power Shaper” – even as extra-strong with UV filter, fresh effect and without alcohol and once as a lemon version with ultra-thick stop and reload function.

The GelWax ‘Bahama Breeze’ is a mixture of gel and wax even without alcohol. The completely crazy “The Builder” styling cream is delivered in three doses as a tower. This is a stringy Stylingcreme which gives extreme long term hold, creating a Matt effect. Hairdressing business or other reseller will advise on fitters personally and can order via hotline. There is more info on the fitters homepage


Low Cost Brochure Advertising In

Advertising in the retail sector. This is traditionally associated with very high levels of investment in ads and brochures. In the last years budget reallocations in the online marketing have helped this dominance”to soften a little. The marketing investments are still at extremely high levels. Often move the marketing expenses for brochures, inserts and handouts in the mid double-digit million euro range.

While more than 50% take they measured the total marketing cost – budget shares in the size of an average something. Now gets a slew of consultants and experts on the plan. The variety of ideas to optimize marketing investment is complex. So, the GEO-marketing in the trade Gets an increasing importance. The idea to transform business data of the company behind”and to a geographic spatial reference. An expression represents the so-called catchment area analysis or even postal code analysis. The consumer is at the end of the payment process in the Business asked to appoint his postal code of the place of residence.

With this information, can and the sales of chain stores on all postal codes in Germany is divided and often evaluated in the cartographic and tabular form. What objectives to the retailers? This question answered many trade and marketing experts in very different ways. The company customer solutions, consultancy for trading companies, called motives of decision makers: commercial enterprises make use of this instrument to improve their own efficiency and competitiveness. There can be multiple benefits dimensions depending on the acceptance and commitment of characters according to the understanding of the Managing Director of customer solutions, Stefan Rosebrock: first of all, we see the possibility to carry out market-oriented and spatial evaluation of the branch network. Moreover, retailers can discover strategic growth – or even retreat fields and on this basis a medium optimization of branch’s portfolio make.” The geographical and spatial data processing of economic data of the company – enriched by outside influences is one of the services offered by customer solutions.


Air Return Fund: The Way Of The Solar Energy Changed

Capital market should follow an incredible development has taken, since it has opened its doors for the first time in 1991: today the considered Intersolar Fribourg world’s largest trade show for solar technology. Gina Ross often expresses his thoughts on the topic. And it reflects the dynamic development along the entire value creation chain in the areas of photovoltaics and solar energy – making it as extensive as no other event”so the initiators on their own websites. A course about this fair shows quickly, this industry now is how highly technology driven, which was initially quite literally dominated by hobbyists in backyard garages”, says Ulrich Vollmers as Managing Director of Picard solar GmbH. The Dresden-based company offers with the air return GmbH & co. funds 1 KG”(climate yield Fund) on the first closed-end funds in Germany, which invests in all areas of the value chain of photovoltaic. So the Fund management describes the strategy in the prospectus of the air return Fund as follows: the Fund invests in companies of the industries of the future photovoltaic, environmental technology and climate protection. Target companies are primarily young, innovative, high-growth companies. The equity fund management company makes these available to expand this business segment according to.

Usually it will be corporations, where the Fund management company seeks a majority stake. Investors participate on the one of the potential for development (for example, new technologies), by possible increases in value of the corresponding target companies, but also in particular by current income on the results of the target company. “To put it on the right company, invested the climate yield Fund only if they have undergone an extensive due diligence and the processes using remain controlled by quality assurance systems at any time.” On behalf of the investors we deem it important, that deviations can be detected quickly from original plans”, explains manager of Picard solar. 60 Will Picard raise millions of euro solar for its funds to investors. The minimum is 15,000 euro and five percent will be charged a premium. Investors can also be confident that a high-profile Advisory Board accompanies the first climate yield Fund.


Hessen Company

Green IT virtual businesses advertising agency goes with an innovative system to grow when small businesses grow up to vote before the task, their operating procedures of the Organization and their infrastructure to the growth rate. An innovative strategy to do so can be a virtual company. As the key to more flexibility, a modern and environmental-friendly system optimally supports the course of expansion of a Frankfurt advertising agency. Details of the sustainable solution the Aktionslinie Hessen-Umwelttech presented in their information series Hessen-PIUS spot “. Promoter of the action line is the HA Hessen Agency.

“Wiesbaden/Langen, consistently to protect the environment and to align your company growth February 10, 2011 – these goals had Dunja and m Burghardt, Managing Director of Rootz & Wingz brand communication” itself set. Within the information series Hessen-PIUS on the spot”, the advertising professionals in the new City Hall presented long, as they their company on the guiding principles of the Sustainability have aligned. Were supported them in this endeavour by the Hessen-PIUS consultancy promotion programme”with the Hessian Ministry of economy funding small and medium-sized enterprises, which want to achieve more production-integrated environmental protection. “At the beginning of the consultation was a stunning business decision which should be the basis for sustainable growth: we resolve our Office and buy us a house”, Dunja Burghardt explained the concept. In the future, the entrepreneur couple runs his business from home. The employees also work in your own home office. By using modern information and communication technologies, the Agency now organized as a virtual company.

A kind of mini – Datacenter”in the basement connects between employees and customers. While the data themselves at any time remain on the server, only the screen is transmitted and leaves its own system. So, even sensitive data be protected. Whether the employees in China or Mecklenburg-Vorpommern sit, no matter. Also a work offline is possible where the data previously transferred from the server to a so-called sandbox on the local computer. This sandbox protects them then from unauthorized access”, clarified Advisor Jurgen Rosenow How Green IT. As a result, the company saves annually not only about 67,000 euros office rent. It reduced its CO2 – emissions by around 32,000 kilograms at the same time. Because the trips of employees to work fall away. In addition many customer visits can be replaced by meetings via video conferencing”, so the consultant. “The Hessen-PIUS on-site information series: protect the environment, reduce costs” is performed by the Aktionslinie Hessen-Umwelttech of the Hessian Ministry of economics. Cooperation partners are the RKW Hessen and various institutions of regional economic development. The event in long was by promoting local economy aligned with. Those who are interested in the funding of the programme, is under an overview. Kay Uwe Bolduan further information can be obtained by the RKW Hessen GmbH in Eschborn:, phone: 0 61 96 / 97 02-40 Dr. Carsten Ott of the HA Hessen Agentur GmbH and project manager of the action line pointed to further offers of the line of action under. Contact: Dagmar Dittrich HA Hessen Agentur GmbH Aktionslinie Hessen-Umwelttech Abraham-Lincoln-str. 38-42 65189 Wiesbaden Tel.: 0611 / 774-8645 Aktionslinie Hessen-Umwelttech the Aktionslinie Hessen-Umwelttech is the central platform of the Hessian Ministry of economics for environmental technology companies in the local economic development agency HA Hessen agency GmbH. Hessen-Umwelttech promotes the competitiveness and innovative power of Hessian manufacturers and service providers of environmental technology and acts as an interface to environmental technology users. The line of action advises companies, promotes the marketing of technology and represents the skills of the Hessian environmental technology.


The Ground

Damages must be promptly corrected and documented all change on the shelf system. Since most of the damage on the shelves due to driving of trucks, the regular inspection from the ground takes place. It is likely that higher lying parts of the shelf are damaged, also these areas must be checked. While the examiner must not simply climb the shelf up, but needs a safe Take advantage of opportunity for advancement. The review will take place on the loaded shelf, only when serious damage is suspected, the goods must be removed. Another obligation of the safety representative is overseeing the weekly visual inspection.

The rack system is investigated for externally visible damage and all findings are then recorded and passed the security officer. The distance can vary from one week depending on age, purpose and condition of the plant. Opens up the appropriate distance between the Visual inspections from the risk analysis. With a gap of one year, an expert inspection takes place on the shelf system. A competent person checked their work-safe state for the storage facility and created a comprehensive test report for the security officer.

The examiner must be due to his experience and knowledge of the situation, to evaluate the operational safety of the shelf system. Expert can either be accordingly trained employees of the company or Installers, manufacturers and maintenance companies. The competent person of one of the three levels of risk maps defects that are found during an inspection: Green threat level orange threat level red security level to which category the damage which is made visible directly on the shelf system with a test badge. The security levels indicate what to do with the storage facility. Will damage the Green level of risk is allocated, the reliability of the rack is still not at risk. The system is operational and secure and can still be used without any restrictions.
