Contribution Health

Health insurance for retirees is often more expensive than thought health and long-term care insurance cost more often as a retired or other previously thought. The consultants of the VZ VermogensZentrums indicate this fact. Pensioners must pay not only on their emoluments from the statutory pension contributions to health and long-term care insurance. Also occupational pensions and one-off payments from direct insurance the funds collect contributions, as well on other income such as pensions or salaries of professional pension funds proportionally. The contribution assessment ceiling is 44,500 euros. Top of this income is free. In the general health insurance contribution rate of 15.5 per cent applies to retirees who are compulsorily insured in the health insurance of retirees (KVdR). The Deutsche Rentenversicherung (DRV) retain 8.2 per cent of the pension and pays the remaining 7.3 per cent on the respective health insurance.

Contributions to the long-term care insurance must wear exclusively pensioners. The Contribution rate is at 1.95 percent, 2.2 percent for childless. Of a pension amounting to 1,500 euros, 1,348 euro remain after deducting the own contribution for the health insurance (8.2 percent, 123 euros) and of the contribution to the long-term care insurance (1.95 percent, 29 euros). The consultants of the VZ VermogensZentrums indicate that retirees who are insured in the KVdR, have the advantage of having to pay no contributions on income such as interest, rent and private annuities. Self-employed and freelancers do not come in this pleasure. Their contributions are calculated on the basis of income.

However, a reduced contribution rate of 14.9 per cent applies to income from rental and leasing as well as interest and annuities. Also compulsorily retired, exercising an independent activity of more than 18 hours per week, must pay contributions on the income from it. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. on most websites. Especially in lump sum payments from pension or insurance payments may be high fall out. The Fund for ten years takes 1/120 of the paid sum as a monthly income to calculate the prorated amount contribution. When a withdrawal of 72,000 euros are 600 euros a month. Just 105 euro health and care insurance premium per month account for this.



Comparisons between private and statutory health insurance is absolutely necessary. All people can be recorded in the private health insurance, which belong to the professional groups of the freelancers, self-employed and civil servants. Employees can free themselves from the statutory health insurance”, if the annual income is 49950 euros. As in the statutory health insurance in recent years significant cuts have occurred, so that the insured itself must raise much money, so that different treatments can be made or as well as for medicines, so the private health insurance is considerably better to classify. Also, the cost of private health insurance are not as high as some people always claim.

The base tariff, which covers also the services offered by the statutory health insurance is only as high as the maximum amount of statutory health insurance also. However, here the benefits for insured persons can be felt. Services are better at each doctor’s visit and also at given any hospitalization. The people who want to ensure even better, that can use the extensions to the private health insurance. So, far better services are already possible for little money. The providers differ in prices and in the services, therefore, is a health insurance comparison very useful. So the health insurance can be found, which corresponds to your needs, covering all claims and which can offer a good price.


Program Pension

Software optimizes advice to insurance and financial brokers Mannheim, October 15, 2010. Insurance and financial brokerage helps the software AltersvorsorgePLANER from to make consultations efficiently and transparently. Functionality of independent of pension planning software was once again added to some effective tools help the consultant, together with the customer the pension individuelDer new tariff Finder example shows, which rates by which societies for the customers are best suited. Riester pension, basic pension insurance, company pension scheme or but private pension insurance – all rates are compared against a database of over 400 products quickly and efficiently. For this purpose, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dommermuth and his team from the Institute of retirement and financial planning, which is responsible for the design and programming of the software, examines different tariffs of almost all providers on the market with a new rating method. The new retirement savings calculator the representation allows building custom-tailored solutions for insurance and financial brokerage of financial relief from the old age pension Act and the citizens Relief Act, taking into account the increase in the statutory health insurance contributions 2011.

practical, a professional and legally compliant customer consultation is essential: the broker must communicate individually and clearly the possibilities for old-age provision each customer. The online financial portal it helps with the independent software AltersvorsorgePLANER. He can determine the individual pension requirements and then step by step to demonstrate the various options of a private or company pension. A variety of consulting modules allows for an efficient and transparent customer advice, which leads to tailor-made solutions. The software is independent of suppliers and individual financial products and allows a discussion documentation according to the provisions of the law on intermediary. The design of the Program is based on the typical flow of a customer call and optimized so the consultation process. Through regular updates, program and consultant always up to date remain.
