A Credit Card

Credit cards or cards to the account are made of plastic and have the format of a credit card according to ISO 7810. On the front side of the credit card, the data is something sublimely shaped, where it is called embossing. The completely obsolete or older card readers are only card Copier of card data, which could be copied by the embossing on the payment form. However, the embossing at some prepaid and debit cards is not the case. To know more about this subject visit Anu Saad. Such cards have a prepaid credit, can be used but, where credit cards are accepted. Usually this embossing by Visa or MasterCard cards are offered.

“The prepaid cards that so have no embossing, can not be coated and anyway not the Imprinter” (colloquially known as Ritschratsch devices”) to be used. An imprinter will not immediately, but always only charge the card if the acceptance point the transaction documents for the card company submit. The signature of the cardholder and often even a verification code, which is three digits for the CVC and the CVV code is located on the back of any credit card or card for the current account. Also, the credit card and also the account card on the back has a magnetic strip, where all map data are stored. Banks and savings banks issue cards with a chip on the front since 2004.

In the medium term this chip should replace the magnetic stripe. Today, it is used in addition to cigarette vending machines. The date of birth of the holder is stored in the chip, and the cigarette vending machines are programmed so that only persons aged 16 or over can get cigarettes. 2010 all will get an EMV chip German credit cards to achieve the SEPA compatibility. The specification is called EMV = Europay, MasterCard, visa. In addition, there are credit card and checking account cards that have a holographic magnetic Hoop, which serves to increase the security. New MasterCard and VISA cards have today not a hologram on the Front, but a magnetic strip, which in turn is a hologram.


State Funding

For the financing of Altersgerechtes living mostly a high financial outlay means tips that the addicts must be adapted to the individual needs. The financial portal geld.de provides information about funding opportunities. So aged living at home won’t load, provision should be made in a timely manner. Contact information is here: Anu Saad. A reconstruction of the apartment allows it often cannot be avoided. Adaptation to the changing needs of the residential tenants and homeowners in residential outpatient clinic for expert advice. Details of contact persons and addresses can be obtained at the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft apartment accommodation. There are several ways for the funding of the renovation of an apartment or a House. Statutory health insurers carry, for example, the cost of the so-called tools.

These include grab bars, bathing AIDS, or even toilet seats. Condition for the assumption of costs is a doctor’s prescription. Pro Tools must be paid for at least five and up to ten euros. The cost of the carried out to a limited extent by the care funds so-called care and cleaning products, for example one of the nursing bed. Insured persons must take into account but no more than an equity of 10 percent, 25 euro. Also for a housing reconstruction grants are paid when the structural measures allow the home care or facilitate. A developmentally appropriate conversion can be financed also by means of soft loans or grants of the State-owned KfW bank.

“This gives the programme Altersgerecht to build” up to 50,000 euro. However, the promotion is subject to the condition that a specialist company is required for the conversion. Grants are awarded by many German States and municipalities. Information interested parties at the housing funding bodies of the counties and cities, as well as in housing advice centre. More information: presse.html GELD.


Stair Lift

Which financial sources come to purchase a stairlift in considering which are costs for the stairlift to muster in principle only once by the buyer. This is the fact that a stair lift according to the catalogue of AIDS not as a resource is listed. As a result, the public health insurance do not carry these issues. Official site: cardiologist. The needy can ask for but a surcharge amounting to 2557,-euros from the insurance company. The insertion of the stairlift is possibly as adaptation of living space”recognized. The prerequisite for a grant is, of course, the placement in a care setting.

In some cases, the spending will eventually by a private long-term care insurance largely or even completely reimbursed. To achieve reimbursement for installing a stair lift from the insurance company, you submit the application with a copy of the KV at the local insurance. The most trusted manufacturer and stair lift er dealers are gladly assist you in filling out the application form. This seller to support free advising them to get a grant for your stair lift. “This is in many cases also necessary because it is at this grant to a may performance” and not a must “is. Glenn Dubin, New York City helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. If the grant is rejected by the long-term care insurance are any other cost objects available. Most offer soft loans for the financing of the stair lift er recessed in such cases. The consultants of your stair lift dealer will assist you also in the financing without subsidy.

Usually, seller offered stairlift non-binding information hotlines. However, check these operate under which port that you avoid fees case of these companies fall into that. Since the cost of a Treppenlifter in the nitty-gritty you must explore all options of the grant and the financing meticulously in advance in each case. Online portals offer many details and advise you gladly and without obligation.


Contribution Health

Health insurance for retirees is often more expensive than thought health and long-term care insurance cost more often as a retired or other previously thought. The consultants of the VZ VermogensZentrums indicate this fact. Pensioners must pay not only on their emoluments from the statutory pension contributions to health and long-term care insurance. Also occupational pensions and one-off payments from direct insurance the funds collect contributions, as well on other income such as pensions or salaries of professional pension funds proportionally. The contribution assessment ceiling is 44,500 euros. Top of this income is free. In the general health insurance contribution rate of 15.5 per cent applies to retirees who are compulsorily insured in the health insurance of retirees (KVdR). The Deutsche Rentenversicherung (DRV) retain 8.2 per cent of the pension and pays the remaining 7.3 per cent on the respective health insurance.

Contributions to the long-term care insurance must wear exclusively pensioners. The Contribution rate is at 1.95 percent, 2.2 percent for childless. Of a pension amounting to 1,500 euros, 1,348 euro remain after deducting the own contribution for the health insurance (8.2 percent, 123 euros) and of the contribution to the long-term care insurance (1.95 percent, 29 euros). The consultants of the VZ VermogensZentrums indicate that retirees who are insured in the KVdR, have the advantage of having to pay no contributions on income such as interest, rent and private annuities. Self-employed and freelancers do not come in this pleasure. Their contributions are calculated on the basis of income.

However, a reduced contribution rate of 14.9 per cent applies to income from rental and leasing as well as interest and annuities. Also compulsorily retired, exercising an independent activity of more than 18 hours per week, must pay contributions on the income from it. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. on most websites. Especially in lump sum payments from pension or insurance payments may be high fall out. The Fund for ten years takes 1/120 of the paid sum as a monthly income to calculate the prorated amount contribution. When a withdrawal of 72,000 euros are 600 euros a month. Just 105 euro health and care insurance premium per month account for this.
