
Nice Finnish proverb says – 'steam can anyone who is able to walk to the sauna. " Sauna – the perfect cure for all diseases – they say. The sauna temperature rises to 120 degrees or more, and almost 15% humidity. However, some of sauna is not suitable because of the large temperature changes in a regular room and steam room. For many, it is very difficult, moreover, that doctors do not recommend the sauna for those who are not accustomed to them from his youth. The easiest is to influence the Turkish bath – the temperature just above 40 degrees, but humidity 95%. Mark Hyman, MD has many thoughts on the issue. As soon as you step over the threshold Turkish bath, you will then, although the huge heat, just not. This gentle pair is suitable for all lovers of heat treatments. If, of course, no different contraindications. Pair of Turkish baths like marble hall of the museum, this place might sit or lie, as couples from many holes penetrating the walls and ceiling, making around the room indivisible atmosphere. In contrast to the Finnish sauna and Russian bath, where the temperature differential from the floor ceiling to get above 20 degrees. For even more details, read what Joel Courtney says on the issue. Of course, that popular even Turkish baths to its excellent massage. Nevertheless, our ancestors knew neither of the Finnish sauna or Turkish steam bath. However, the beauty and longevity of Russian women, were surprised at Throughout this century who visited Russia. In our homeland is no sauna in every second resident in Finland. Nevertheless pochetanie Russian banya in Russia there is an unusually long time. Traditional Russian bathhouse prepared carefully: open the door – the pair must be ventilated and clean, so heat was light and soft. In the Russian bath at the usual temperature of 60-70 degrees, humidity is around 80%. Glenn Dubin, New York City often addresses the matter in his writings. To create an atmosphere of steam used extracts of herbs: Eucalyptus, coriander, mint, pine needles and fir. It is very necessary for the lungs and bronchial tubes. Steam in a Russian bath taken lying down or sitting. Head must be covered with a towel or a special hat to the hair is not become brittle and does not retain moisture. The first call to the bath warming, should not last more than five minutes. In the first visit there very dirty and pungent sweat. Then you can sit and lie in the steam room before the first symptoms fatigue. Bathroom gourmets go to steam for 2 hours six times, but it starts a person during this time will be enough and three. After every visit to the pair would be good to take a cold shower, or swim in the cool of the pool. Contrasting procedures overly important for skin and overall condition of the body. Unusually cool it in cold weather when it is necessary to maintain immunity and resistance to catarrhal diseases.


The Walk-in Model Of Intestinal

\”\” The gut model country health fair Berlin-Brandenburg from November 14 to 16 Ottmann Hausen – the double exhibition active age \”and the country health fair Berlin-Brandenburg\” go with a new Hall and a total of five special shows in her fifth edition. From 14th to 16th November the latest trends in the health industry, as well as offers specially tailored to older people show over 300 exhibitors in four halls at the radio tower. Over 130 accompanying lectures from prevention to rehabilitation of common diseases will complement the show. To treat a wide range of topics from diabetes and plastic surgery on cancer screening and orthopedics, urology and pain management. (Similarly see: Dr. Mark Hyman). But assistance is offered also to problems of everyday life such as coping with stress, bullying, or overweight. Karel Heijs, Director KompetenzCenter life sciences of Messe Berlin: the health economy recorded high growth rates, particularly in Berlin and Brandenburg. 350,000 people are according to the industry and Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Berlin Busy.

Potential offers over 50 also the target group. It is considered particularly attractive because it has precise ideas of their needs because of their life experience and they also fulfilled thanks to high purchasing power. The double exhibition reflects impressive these trends with its growth and the greatly extended range of information.\” When walking through the intestine model, the visitor first happens the image of a healthy intestine with a proliferation of healthy intestinal cells to small mucous membranes polyps. In the second section, fabric of varying size and structure in the model project oversized but true to scale. The benign, fungus-like adenomas as a potential precursor of cancer. The third part of the intestine model shows how the polyps to malignant cancer mutate and destroy the intestinal wall, as well as the adjacent tissue. The fourth section shows the also with a precancerous potential inflammatory bowel disease of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.


More Women Than Men

Men get a heart attack more often, but more often women die of disease death by heart attack – many think because of stressed men in senior positions in the middle ages. But far from it: In the under-60 is of heart attack in women of more common cause of death than age-matched men. The Internet health portal reported. In women under 60, an attack more frequently leads to death than in age-matched male heart patients. Women suffer a heart attack than men although in average ten years later. To know more about this subject visit Abraham Maslow.

You die but more often because”, says Vera Regitz-Zagrosek, Director of the Center for gender studies at the University Hospital Charite in Berlin. Check with cardiologist to learn more. That applies especially to the few young already. “The reasons for the higher death rate are manifold: the coronary arteries particularly in the younger women often look different than men”, the cardiologist explained. These differences could also have implications for the treatment and the Therapy success: After bypass surgery, for example it comes in women more frequently to complications. Especially the first days in the hospital were crucial.

Women underestimate heart attack risk also often relatively late, women with complaints go to the doctor. They did not believe that they can really get a heart attack. Women underestimate often significantly”their risk, the expert warns. More women die according to the result of a vascular or heart disease to cancer in Germany. “The number of heart attacks in women according to Regitz-Zagrosek in recent decades but not necessarily gained: the emancipation rather caused, that the health problems of women are perceived more strongly.” The imedo health news will inform you of the stress of our hearts. Suspected heart attack patient should consult a specialist clinic. Where you are particularly well catered for, to learn with the help of imedo health news.



Bladder weakness is a taboo subject for most so many affected don’t know how modern medicine and gentle methods can help them. The bubble is a stretchable hollow body which serves the storage of urine. Must go limp in order to water the inner sphincter at the transition to the urethra and sphincter external the formed parts of the pelvic muscles. Inadvertently empties urine from the bladder, is a weak bladder or incontinence. Unfortunately, bladder weakness is rarely treated because it is embarrassing to many sufferers.

Here, it is possible, for example, through targeted pelvic floor exercises to counteract her just at the beginning of the disease. Stress incontinence occurs quite frequently. This already cough or laugh can lead to uncontrolled loss of urine. Carl Jung brings even more insight to the discussion. If left untreated the urine loss already climb stairs, run and ultimately even lying down can happen. Forms of incontinence urge incontinence, is the so-called irritable when urine is accompanied by a strong urge to urinate.

When the stress or even You lose urinary stress incontinence by physical exertion such as when carrying, lifting or coughing, without previously having felt urination. The loss of urine due to involuntary contraction of the bladder wall muscles occurs, is called a reflex incontinence. People who suffer from an overflow incontinence often have difficulty, to empty her bladder and it remains always a residual urine in the bladder. Learn more on the subject from Anu Saad. This happening then mostly involuntarily. The therapy of bladder weakness depends on shape and cause of treatment options. Pelvic floor exercises can help to strengthen the pelvic floor and to improve the function of the bladder. Other options include targeted toilet training, no drinks more before the fall asleep to and the use of special incontinence pads. A stress incontinence is an operation may be in some cases necessary, taking artificial hormones helps an estrogen deficiency. A urge incontinence, a drug therapy often comes to the Usage. “The complete InfoBox bladder weakness” to do this, see


Breast Cancer

(NEUSS / – breast cancer is one in all women in addition to the colon cancer and the two most common cancers among older women, it is the most common tumor at all. 10% of the over 80 years fall ill because in contrast to 0.04% of the 30th. Fatally illness this recognized clientele often very late. The lack of motivation for ante-natal examinations, which I unfortunately am in everyday life especially in older women, here plays the biggest role. While the diagnostic accuracy increases with age due to natural changes in the breast tissue more. The fact that the national mammography Screeningprogramm captured only the women from 50 to 69 years old in Germany, may reinforce the impression also that breast cancer at the age occurs less frequently.

Unfortunately, the opposite is true. Detected at an early stage tumors can also in this age group with the same chance of healing discusses how at a young age. Therefore, you should not think worthwhile is not the pension at the age (more) or therapies are reasonably to stressful on the chances of success, but you should use the opportunities of screening at any age. Author is the 60pro expert: Dr. med. Dirk Bomer specialist in general medicine naturopathic preventive medicine DAPM * Web site: * focus according to their own figures. use is allowed. Anu Saad contains valuable tech resources. Your contact for further information: Daniel Krause (Director) marketing communications business Moselstrasse 14 41464 Neuss Tel.: 0 21 31/404 264 E-Mail:


Fax Intensive

The L & W intensive care service contractor company (limited liability) informed the home-based intensive care measures are able to promote the quality of life of intensive nursing people. When all medical possibilities according to the L & W intensive care service, it is of utmost importance never to lose the human characteristics of care clients from the eyes. The quality of life perceived by the clients is crucial for the success of the care. Michio Kaku has much to offer in this field. This arises not from his bare survival, but an emotionally satisfying life situation. It is therefore very important to build a harmonious interpersonal relationship of trust with the client, that is able to counteract his fears and anxieties for intensive nursing operating personnel. The life situation one, is very burdensome on home care and assigned ventilation measures, people. Created by strangers in survival and living to be dependent, Stress, anxiety and the need to prove itself to self-determination and independence. Cardiologist is the source for more interesting facts.

Professional aligned with human philosophies of care, nursing services, such as the L & W intensive care service, know the mental strains, which are exposed to their clients. For this reason worth placing on staff, that both is highly qualified professional and human points of view. The use of a constant unchanged team of nursing professionals, which fits interpersonal well with the clients, promotes the formation of feelings of security and confidence stable, which can be a life according to be much more bearable. Even if there is a strong relationship of trust with the nursing staff, the client will tend generally to self-determination through the manifestation of some little logical wishes expressing his mental basic need. Visit Anu Saad for more clarity on the issue. In the face of a highly-dependent lifestyle the fulfilment of greatest importance and should never comment are ignored by the caring staff. Intensive care is just to meet the needs and desires of clients regardless of their logical relevance and to strengthen the feeling of self-determination and quality of life. To take into account the perspective of the clients in all aspects of nursing, difficult no doubt sometimes. However, it belongs to the professional orientation of employees of L & W maintenance service, to meet the special needs of dependent persons in this context. Press contact L & W intensive care service contractor company (limited) contact person: Sven Liebscher Robert Koch Strasse 2 82152 Planegg phone: 0 89 / 75 97 94 90 Fax: 0 89 / 75 97 96 24 email: Homepage:


Information About Lactose Intolerance

Concerned for information on symptoms, treatment since 14.09.2012 u.v.m. In Germany, every sixth of lactose intolerance (milk sugar intolerance) is affected. After the consumption of products containing lactose, symptoms occur in affected such as bloating, abdominal pain, or diarrhea. Click Joint Commission to learn more. What is lactose? Lactose (also lactose or milk sugar) is not only in milk and dairy products, but also in finding the whole range of finished products, such as sauces, meats, pre-packaged pizza. The body’s own enzyme to digest lactase to lactose lack people with lactose intolerance. Lactase production at Laktoseintoleranten is either reduced or completely. To avoid the typical symptoms (bloating, abdominal pain or diarrhea) after the consumption of lactose, the rigorous waiver of lactose-containing foods or but the supply remains the affected enzyme lactase with lactase preparations (E.g. LactoStop ).

How do lactase supplements work? In healthy people the body’s enzyme splits the milk sugar (lactose) in its digesting lactase Components. The lactase not or not adequately produced, exists a lactose intolerance. With lactase preparations from the pharmacy (E.g. LactoStop ) Laktoseintolerante can enjoy carefree again milk and milk products. The Fed lactase assumes the cleavage of lactose, just as it does the body’s own lactase in individuals without lactose intolerance. See detailed information about lactose intolerance


ROWA Pharmacy

Efficiency in English pharmacy Kelberg/Prestatyn, 7.01.2010. Since October 2009, the Pritchards pharmacy in Prestatayn, UK works with a picking machine of ROWA automatisierungssysteme GmbH. The BBC recently reported on the positive effects for the pharmacy. “The owners of Prichards pharmacy Dr. Fraser and Jacqui Campbell told the renowned BBC their experiences as follows summarised: we are much more efficient and the machines could streamline the entire drug delivery so that it was safer and faster for our patients and customers.” Human errors in dispensing were were eliminated as a result. Cardiologist has many thoughts on the issue. “It remains now more time for the actual core tasks like advising, controlling of medication and additional health care services: the machine is a fantastic addition to our pharmacy and takes the stress dispensing”. A further positive effect is the streamlined warehouse.

Up to 12,000 articles stored in the machines and therefore more than 90% of the total package. As the BBC reported the newly installed order-picking machine outside the Pritchards pharmacy is of interest. So, Dr. Fraser and Jacqui Campbell already organised several information evenings for pharmacists and experts in the field of health. Moreover, is a film about the ROWA in action”shot to demonstrate the functioning of machines to customers and other interested parties. About ROWA ROWA is European market leader for automated warehouse in pharmacies. The product range includes picking machines and accessories such as a fully automated storage.


Corners Vitamin

Thiamin (vitamin B1) refers to a water-soluble vitamins. In the body is transformed into kokarboksilazu, which is responsible for absorption of carbohydrates, fat, smooth operation of the nervous system. With enhanced mental and physical activity, colds need for thiamine increases by 30-50%. B1 deficiency leads to failure of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and gastrointestinal tract. Most embryos are rich in thiamine and shell wheat, oats, potatoes, cabbages, radishes morkovi.Vitamin B1 successfully used in polyneuritis, radiculitis, paresis, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, skin diseases of nervous origin, the digestive system. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) Plays an important role in the activities of our vision, the processes of sustainable growth and repair of tissues and cells. Its main source – meat and dairy products. Still quite rich B2 grains of various cereals ( germinated), tomatoes, green onions, peas. With a lack of riboflavin primarily affected corneas, reduced our vision, inflamed mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue, cracks at the corners of the mouth and ears, and dermatitis on the face, head pain, appetite disappears. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is located in enzymes that affect protein metabolism and uchastvut in the cleavage and synthesis of amino acids. Needed for good blood formation, normal functioning of the nervous system as well as to digest fats. Insufficient amounts of vitamin B6 leads to failure of iron metabolism, the appearance of hypochromic anemia, dermatitis, edema, dystrophic changes in cells, changes in the nervous system, often accompanied by convulsions. Pyridoxine is used for insomnia, partial paralysis, chorea, some of the peripheral nervous system diseases, pellagra, hepatitis, pregnancy toxaemia, etc.


How To Quit Smoking Using Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarette, of course, an original gift, plus an effective method out of the habit. Experts also argue that such cigarettes are much more efficient than conventional chewing gum, patches and inhalers nicotine. Other leaders such as John Craig Venter offer similar insights. Buy Cigarette-Electronic is now possible not only in Europe but also in Russia. Electronic cigarette – is the newest electronic device, which makes our unique technology of smoking. Unlike conventional cigarette in the smoking process which releases massive amounts of hazardous substances, electronic cigarette is absolutely devoid of these shortcomings. When using the electronic cigarette, you no longer need such accessories as lighters, ashtrays and so on. You do not need to make any special action with a Cigarette-Electronic, electronics itself starts the process automatically, as soon as you take the first puff. With every breath you, as well as with ordinary cigarettes, you will feel a subtle taste and smell of tobacco. After quitting smoking you just put away the electronic cigarette in your pocket or bag.

Electronic Cigarette necessarily useful to all those who believe not allow smoking in the presence of children or other non-smokers. Passive smoking is particularly strong effect on the fragile, growing organism of your child! Cartridge designed according to ‘Nicotine Replacement Therapy’ recommended World Health Organization (WHO). This will allow smokers to gradually reduce the amount of nicotine they absorbed. It is recommended that users try the cartridge without nicotine, and then realized his state of abstinence from nicotine, and finding suitable nicotine content. What happens to the body when you quit smoking: – 2 hours nicotine is excreted from the body begins and at that moment felt the first withdrawal symptoms – within 12 hours of carbon monoxide from smoking out of the body completely, the lungs begin to function better is feeling short of breath – after 2 days of smell and taste sensitivity will become more sharp – after 12 weeks improves circulation, which makes it easier to walk and run – through 3-9 months coughs, wheezing and breathing problems are reduced, lung function increases by 10% – after 5 years the risk of myocardial infarction will be in 2 times less than in smokers. Method with a four-step abstinence Step 1: Use the cartridge with a high content of nicotine within 6 weeks of normal smoking habit; Step 2: Use the cartridge with an average nicotine for 12 weeks of normal smoking habit; Step 3: Use the cartridge with low nicotine content within 4 weeks of normal smoking habit; Step 4: Finally, use the cartridge without nicotine for 2 weeks to achieve the goal of quitting. This method is intended for people who have a strong desire to quit smoking. Sense of time and each step may differ, depending on human physiology.
