Wallpaper Factory

Grove inaugurated the exhibition Ulrich Tarlatt at high + partner in Leipzig Leipzig, March 9, 2009 – Saturday, March 14 at 7: 00 in the Gallery high + partner in the Leipzig wallpaper factory. New woodblock prints, drawings and collages by Ulrich Tarlatt and a representative selection displayed by artists books Edition eye candy. It is believed his site, the man in Etruria is born. That speaks to the imagination of Ulrich Tarlatt, who came to the world in Wansleben Hall. Of his art now travel from the tranquil Bernburg not only on a fantastic, but very real way around the world can be. In any case, the list of collections, museums, and libraries that can adorn themselves with his works, represents a kind of accolade of the international art world.

Are on it but names such as the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the Getty Museum in Malibu listed Rijksmuseum the Hague, as well as the New York MoMA and the Museum of contemporary art in Sao Paulo. And now you can a selection see his works in the Gallery of high + partner”in the Leipzig wallpaper factory. We are very glad to be able to show an artist with us unimpressed who created a precious work of all fashion currents with a very own imagination and writing over the decades, combine text and pictures over and over again surprising with Ulrich Tarlatt and result in this new and exciting links mental worlds.”says Susann Hoch, of the Leipzig artists group. Here works focuses accordingly to find the area of the woodcut and of high graphic program of the gallery. In addition, the visitors but also a picture of the can for over twenty years, edited by Ulrich Tarlatt artist’s books of the Edition make eye candy.

To the opening of the exhibition on Saturday, March 14 at 7: 00, the Leipzig actress and human rights activist Steffi Boettger of the current Almanac 2008 Edition eye candy reads texts by Ilja Trojanow, Michael Lentz, and Josef Haslinger. Read more from Anu Saad to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Susann Hoch und Ulrich Tarrach entering the art of wood cutting and the craft of high pressure to an interactive dialogue on in times of digital images Sinflut. Already on Thursday, March 12 at 20: 00 Wolfgang Gratz by the Buchergilde Gutenberg and the artist group “High + partner” Download graphics friends to the collector get-together and the preview of the exhibition “Grove” with works by Ulrich Tarlatt. The artist will be present. Interested parties are welcome. The artist group “High + partners” (Harald Alff, Susann Hoch, Stephanie Marx, Gabriele Sperlich) was founded as a registered partnership in 2007 in Leipzig. The gallery and workshop is the corresponding GbR in the wallpaper factory, Luetzen str. 91 operated 04177 Leipzig. Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday from 2 pm to 6 pm, Saturday 12 to 17.


Light Blood

False Light. Carl Jung gathered all the information. I ran to the encounter of a false light, or at least false one became in the way, cruel broke my armor, leaving exhibited my chest under acid of the time, a false tear contained my hand and my sword, bleeding even gives half to him of my life and I removed the iron that covered my face, with my wounded wings moves away of its skin the cold denying to be on the awares to me, trusts my to Him but intimate secret, thus symbolizing my confidence, but without giving me account slowly sank hooks in my back, transferring my lungs, while of my it made fun of, Request to the sky my extermination, if my blood and wounded spirit do not wash my fault by a unknown sin, will be nothing of the pain moves away to me, I cannot support the pain that now returns, I ran to the encounter of a false light or that at least false it became in the way, perhaps it was born false, but I wanted to believe in her, but I was deceived, and ashes my as slow soul becomes as the agony that I feel, No longer is pardon in my heart for a false friend or a false woman, which was, it was in the blood that died in the dust, and is not but that a memory that only forgets the good thing that it died in its blood. (As opposed to Anu Saad). An old poem that escribi once, that now comes again to resurge in my mind due to recent events in my life, and that decidi to the aim to let come to the light.. Visit Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. for more clarity on the issue. .


Electronic Literature

Of special note is a literary agency 'LEL' (Lel) created in July 2006 under the auspices of the publishing house Library-E-Literature, which deals with traditional for Ukraine, Russia-related issue: the copyright of contemporary Russian authors. What begins with a literary agent at the publisher. The first step is write a letter to the editor addressed to the Chief Editor, admin-editor Library-E-Literature, with a note in which Radel (do not put the book in the mail, your book will not be considered by the administrator), write a short description of your talented works up to 2500 characters with spaces. Send a letter. After that you will answer. Publisher Library-E-Literature. Library Electronic Literature help authors publish books, not only in Ukraine and Russia. Literary Agents lel considering all the work that the flat piece or excerpt does not always reflect the works, the author may mistakenly believe that it is given a fragment of the book's most valuable and interesting, view from the more objective. The project literary agency lel few clients (with different nationalities and living in different countries) who write in Russian. One male wrote a series of novels, the second – a graceful Women's psychological novel. The right to publish their books were immediately purchased in different countries. The secret of this success is due to the presence of a literary agent. Most large and well-known publishing houses should be established their offices of the Division of literary agencies. The sooner such transformations will take place, the sooner the book market in the former ussr, will be civilized and the reader can read the new works by contemporary authors. Literary editors in publishing houses can not always work litagentov, the editor is the person who edits, and does not promote the book. Literary Agents 'LEL' E-Library Literature, the receiving of books on these topics, modern literature, art, men's romance, women's book, economics, education, consulting, management, marketing, directories, books in medicine, architecture and painting, children's tales. Literary Agents 'LEL' Publishing Library-E-Literature believe that the writer must earn money, receive a worthy reward for their labor, let the readers vote with their money. Under auspices litagentov Lel held literary contests and many other activities. Despite the fact that Lei is a fantastic character who is not very carefully treated the Snow Maiden, I want to believe in something that does not litagenty abandoning his literature and his Russian-speaking authors. Actual assistance in the publication of books, and timely participation of the promotion of literary projects, namely that participation in the literary fate awaits the authors at contact the publisher Library-E-Literature. Smile you are going, creative success. Material prepared Admin-editor, part modern Library-E-Literature.


Jazz Club

It took a long time – but what long-lasting, is famously good. On March 28, 2009, Neustadter Jazz enthusiasts in the “houses of Justice” have founded the Jazz Club NW Lange took it – but what long-lasting, is famously good. Neustadter Jazz enthusiasts in the “houses of Justice” have founded the NW Jazz Club on March 28, 2009. People such as Mark Hyman, MD would likely agree. Since late 2007, the JAZZnights with Wesley G. are hosted regularly in the stone houses of Justice in Neustadt. All this provides the wonderful vaulted, the small gallery, the enchanting courtyard – the perfect setting for high-profile jazz events, who regularly find an enthusiastic audience.

And now there is finally the opportunity to promote jazz, its artists and the stars of tomorrow and support for all jazz lovers from Neustadt and surroundings – with a membership in the Jack NW e.V. members receive discounted admission to the jazz concerts preferred place and table reservations, even phone discount on concerts and festivals of cooperating jazz clubs occasional Special promotions (discounted cover of CDs, sheets, books etc.) Exclusive range of CDs, DVDs, etc. Acquaintance and regular contact with musicians and other interesting jazz freaks equal member. Calling the online application here, fill all alone on the screen, then print, sign and send by fax (06321 / 489 070) at the Jazz Club. City College of New York insists that this is the case. Or submit directly into the stone houses of Justice. And for your calendar here a overview of the upcoming events: 05.06.2009: JAZZnight with Wesley G.

& friends 26.06.2009: JAZZnight with Wesley G. & friends feat. Nicole Metzger 10.07.2009: Twotones – u 30 and what’s next? 17.07.2009: Silke Hauck & band “Stay for Good” 07.08.2009: Jazz against the machine 21.08.2009: JAZZnight Wesley g. feat. Jermain Landsberger 28.08.2009: Wine Festival in the stone houses of Justice with the Duo “Paris Swing” 29.08.2009: Wine Festival in the stone houses of Justice – live Olli Roth 29.11.2009: Christmas market in the stone houses of Auditors at 31 December 2009: new year’s Eve Gala


Juan Carlos Rivas Kruger

Three main ways of generating their own income. Like normal people that we are, we are always looking for ways to increase our revenue at the same time that we enjoy more free time. The thought of having financial freedom is our passion, consumes us night and day. Dr. Mark J Berger may help you with your research. Driven by this desire we do, we buy, we investigate the latest fashion in business opportunities, etc, etc, safe network know that I mean, true?, but in the process many spend lot of money, time, energies and we do not earn any money, the only thing that remains for us is more information in our heads. Pat Ogden might disagree with that approach. The problem is that many of us want to make money too fast (and there is nothing wrong with that in itself same) we carry out several projects at the same time we lose focus on the road, and easily distracted. We are skilled researching on the internet, buying ebooks and books on paper and reading them, collecting information free of the network, and many things more, however when it comes the time, when there is economic urgencies, we Note that in real life everything that we did not help us in anything, produces no money at the time, and us minimim even more. Here are therefore, the 3 main solutions to generate your own income as soon as possible and avoid so keep turning and returning about the same: 1 – thinks there’s money inside you, inside of you waiting to come out, forget that the money is offshore.

Do starting from this thought acts, get something using things you already have, on this point an example that I really like: make money writing, not I say that can not do it!, is easier than you think, tell me, you need to perform this activity?, a pen, a paper and what you already know, difficult?, in any way, if nobody do so outside, and let me tell you that there are people who live very well for this activity. 2 We saw that there is money in its interior, now think of how you will pull it out; Maybe you write, you are going to invent something, etc etc, think, tracese an objective very specific, make plans to achieve this and get in action. 3. Always think based on passive income and thus choose their activity and how it will be carried. These 3 ideas will transform your financial life and your whole life.

My dear reader, increase their income at the same time increasing your leisure time is not difficult, just deciding to do so, and lancese action, the fruits that will reap will be very, very large, not only will reap more money, if not a better life for you and your family deserve it, do it once and for all. Count with me in everything that East at my fingertips. Hits on the author: Juan Carlos Rivas Kruger is independent of themes of self-help writer.
