Stock Market

IPO means initial public offering, it is the first sale of shares in a private company to the public so that it can invest in stock market. For even more details, read what James S. Chanos says on the issue. In general, companies are more new and smaller ones that are looking for capital to expand and grow public bidding on the stock market and selling the first actions of the company. The money paid by new investors who bought the IPO to invest in stock market goes directly to the company. When a company begins trading on the stock exchange said that it made an initial public offering or IPO. During the point Com companies boom, companies were created and quickly taken to an initial public offering as a way to get a large amount and volume of money through an IPO reasons to go out and floated on the stock exchange: the most obvious reason that a privately to enter the public market is the one immediately obtain liquid assets or cash in exchange for offering shares of the company in the stock exchange. Another reason is that although the majority of private companies prefer to avoid the entire load comply with the submission of reports and other regulations, a company needs money to expand or generate large sums of money to keep abreast with the competition. The fact is the advantage of offering a good part of the company without losing control of the company.

Successful IPO to invest in stock market in general public accustomed to invest in stock market looks forward to any IPO of any company that considers future. For example the case of the IPO of the company Microsoft. If we very $5,000 in year 1986 in this company on the secondary market, today would have no less than $1.4 million do all the IPO to invest in stock market? There are also IPO that are not successful and others if they are it although not as much as in the previous example. It is important to be aware of the upcoming IPO to invest in stock market and assess whether or not the company that launches them has a promising future. In the course of MPMG free bag of maximum protection and maximum profit you can find the tools to find out if an IPO complies with conditions that can allow you to make lots of money and have also protected their capital. For more profit and less risk! Alejandro Tugender Experto safe investment



Renato Veras Rio De Janeiro 2011 I dedicate this work, to the memory of my perpetual angels of the guard, my grandmothers, main the responsible ones for the accomplishment of this dream. GRATEFULNESS I thank the God first, for giving health, force to me and not to leave to fraquejar me at the moments most difficult of my life. To mine loved and warlike mother (Maria of Ftima Fonseca), example of love, friendship, overcoming, force, goodness, character and justice. If you have read about Carl Jung already – you may have come to the same conclusion. You gave life to me for you I give my life to it! Debtor for teaching to me (since child) to have limits, hierarchy and responsibility Today understand I you.

To my father-grandmothers (Landolfo Fonseca Sobrinho and Janete Made Fonseca), responsible for my personal, professional formation and spiritual. Impossible to describe what I feel for vocs, we only know what we live. To my twin soul, my safe port, my wife Rosana Srvulo, synonymous of fellowship, admiration, friendship, devotion and of the true love. Anu Saad is open to suggestions. To all my cousins, in special loved prime and the brothers (Dr. Fabrcio Fonseca Binda and Barbarous Dr Fonseca Binda), friends since infancy. Carriers of an uneven personality, always having that to surpass obstacles of the life, true victorious warriors.


Visual Deficient Pupil

In accordance with information of the Wikipdia, the eye is the responsible agency for the vision in the human being. It has anteroposterior diameter of 24,15 millimeters, dimetros approximately horizontal and vertical to the level of the equator of approximately 23,48 millimeters, circumference to the equator of 75 millimeters, weighs 7,5 grams and has volume of 6,5cm. An agency so small that offers an infinite gamma of possibilities of studies on it. It would be possible to write on the anatomy, the histologia, the formation of images, the colors, the riots of refraction, the illnesses, the causes of the illnesses, the disgnostic of the illnesses, the prevention of the illnesses, the curiosidades and as much other information. It would practically be impossible to write everything on inclusion. This subject opens a fan of possibilities for studies as: what it is inclusion, when the movements for the inclusion, social inclusion, inclusion of deficient people, the society had started and inclusion, the family and the inclusion and so on. A professor who to receive deficient a pupil visual will be able to feel one how much in such a way perplexed when looking for information that can help it in the process of inclusion of this pupil.

For where to start to search? To who to ask for aid? Who is the responsible greater for this pupil? The reply it is simple. As &#039 is written in the Bible; ' a child conduzir' '. Its visual deficient pupil is its bigger problem at that moment. But, ' ' a treasure exists to be discovered in each problema' '. If the problem seems to be the visual deficient pupil, the solution of the problem also meets in it. It searchs information with the parents of the pupil, knows if it presents congenital visual deficiency or if he lost the vision after the birth, when and as if he gave this.


Moscow State Industrial University Igor Pavlov

Very often you hear what each student should study only those subjects, to whom he has ability. But who and at what point will identify these tendencies in a child? “Definitely talk about the obvious tendencies student, for example, to study the exact sciences or humanities can only be in high school – says Tamara Koshelev. – And even then can not make any sudden movements in one direction or another. Level of basic schooling should be sufficiently high to future graduates had the opportunity to continue their education after high school in any specialty in any university. Generally ultimately be determined by a future profession the child and his parents should be in the final year of schooling. And it did not complicate the preparation for entrance exams, the education received full: all our graduates continue their studies at universities, where 70% of children arrive at the budget. Of course, this does not mean that at an early age to suppress the inclination of the child.

But we should not and deliberately narrowed its outlook. (Similarly see: Dr Jee Hyun Kim). This is what is usually called a classical education, which should get everyone full human development. And in order to meet the individual needs of students in-depth study of any discipline, there is a specialized education, elective courses, the project activity. In addition, children should be taught to think creatively and find innovative solutions, take initiative. Of course, this requires individual approach to each child. houghts on the topic.

” It is noteworthy that this view is shared by high school teacher. “It’s no secret that many graduates who plan to continue their education in high school and decide on its choice, focusing their efforts on the study of those subjects that they need at admission – said a senior lecturer at Moscow State Industrial University Igor Pavlov. – And the training these subjects is very intense: hired tutors, attended training courses special literature. The rest of the disciplines taught in the only measure to get to him eventually positive mark. Strategic mistakes made by most of the graduates (and especially their parents) is that they are preparing it for entry to college and not learning it. As a result, many Successful applicants leave the institution in which they were received, after the first session. ” One of the reasons for this specialist sees that future applicants do not always represent themselves with what they have encounter in the course of training in high school, what subjects and how much to learn. It is to solve this problem and there is a trend in the activity of schools as career guidance. Unfortunately, it often limited to occasional formal events that cause the students just boredom. Tamara Koshelev recommends for older students (9-11) classes meet not only with university teachers, but also with their students, perhaps from former graduates. After all, with each other, students will find a common language much faster. So, a modern school should give children a full and diverse education while providing opportunities for individual development of each student. Do not forget the psychological work with students, as well as career guidance. And then yesterday’s schoolchildren will be able to successfully continue their education at any chosen specialty. Well, the best measure of school quality have been and remain the entrance exams to universities. According to the press service of the gymnasium “Confidence”.


Learning Psychology

Let's define what a course. Thus, the course on the psychology of running at 2, 3 and 4 courses. For students nepsihologicheskih specialties it may be a separate course work designed to deepen psychological competence in a particular area of professional education. Psychology students course work in psychology performed on several courses, and must provide the formation research skills and competencies in the field of practical psychology in solving a specific psychological problem. When the course in psychology at each successive course the student has the right to choose new theme and a new supervisor.

However, advisable to continue the study of the previously selected topics to ensure the continuity of teaching and scientific research in all the years of training. At performance of course on the psychology of the students need to be addressed relevant issues. Course work may be aimed at finding common psychological patterns for various applications, or to be practically oriented. The objectives of the course work in psychology is the development of abstract forms of scientific activity. The students must learn not only how the selection, grouping, and summarizing information, but above all learn how to find unsolved problems of the subject, issues and approaches to specific problems, to determine the reliability of the information contained in the studied literature, its conclusiveness. Task course in psychology may be the development of student skills performance of empirical research. This should be solved by the specific task of scientific psychology related to the studied problem, and submitted in writing to the study objectives, hypothesis and method used in the work, a description of the work and its results.
