Best Childrens Picture

May 20, 2009 ended acceptance of entries for art contest, organized by the PTF "Alex." Summing up and presentation of prizes will take place in the International Children's Day June 1, 2009 at 17 h 00 min. Sydney Sweeney contains valuable tech resources. in a supermarket 'Alex' at st. Boldin, 47. In the spring of Manufacturing and trading company "Aleks" announced a competition among educational institutions of primary school and preschool age children for a better picture of his hometown. Children are invited to express their attitudes and opinions in the papers in A4 format or colored pencils, or markers, or paints.

The jury will comprise twelve triumphal works in the annual calendar of "Alex", and their authors will receive prizes and gifts from the contest organizers. At the end of the contest on the last day of spring the authors of the best works will be awarded to all sorts of prizes – a timetable, a ruler, tab, set painting and much more. May 20, 2009 completed reception of entries for art contest, organized by the PTF "Alex." Summing up and presentation of prizes will take place in the International Children's Day June 1, 2009 at 17 h 00 min. in a supermarket 'Alex' at st. Boldin, 47.

Back in the spring Manufacturing and trading company "Aleks" announced a competition among educational institutions of primary school and preschool age children for a better picture of his hometown. Children are invited to express their attitude and opinion in the papers in A4 format or colored pencils, or markers, or paints. The jury will comprise twelve triumphal works in the annual calendar of "Alex", and their authors will receive prizes and gifts organizers of the competition. At the end of the contest on the last day of spring the authors of the best works will be awarded to all sorts of prizes – a timetable, a ruler, tab, set painting and much more. Work on the competition held in conjunction with nursery Tula. To attract members posted ads on the conditions of competition. A kindergarten assisted young artists all possible assistance and support. Company: Alex PTF Founded in 1991, the principal activities are the production of leather goods and representative business accessories; of stationery and souvenirs, exhibition, trade equipment; of office furniture, office equipment trading and presentation equipment, personalized representation of products. Today MTF Alex is a Russian leader in production of leather goods products. Company has 14 branded retail stores and warehouse-showroom. PTF Alex actively cooperates with Russian and foreign partners. Alex is a member of the company "Commonwealth office"


Baby Clothes

What to buy baby clothes from the first time? These questions were asked every expectant mother. Of course, if a family already has children, then the situation is much simpler. And if you expect to see first-born? Running for advice to mothers and grandmothers? Yes. But they lived through the experience was so long that many had time to forget, and the times were different, today came up with many innovations that are unfamiliar to them, and they will know them first, just like you. So where, then, to find the answer to pressing issue.

I'll try to give you some advice and share personal experiences in order to facilitate your work. Going shopping for a newborn, try to take my mother-girlfriend who recently gave birth. I did so. She advised me to buy a body other than jackets and raspashonok. Very handy thing, do not ride up when wearing a baby in her arms, without distracting from the panties, when the baby moves, and another important feature: a well- holds the diapers, which, incidentally, is very convenient to change due to the fact that the body is at the bottom rivets. In addition to body buy a pair of overalls, one light from a thin material, and the other more tightly.

Not give up the diaper, especially during the cold season. As well as outerwear useful blouse and pants warmer. Do not forget the hats, which needed at least three or two of light, indoor, and warm. And on the toes, the first of which will be useful even in the hospital to keep feet warm in the crumbs under the diapers. It's certainly not an exhaustive list of what you need, but for the very first days until the mother can not go shopping – this will be quite enough.


Welcome To Fatherhood

What feels the man to whom life was about to assign a high rank of "father"? Excitement, confusion easy … You try! Now a lot depends on you woman needs support. Always! Especially if it is in the hospital without her husband. After the birth of a baby is a spouse in the first place she will tell the good news. And not only to share his vast fortune, but also for the warm words of thanks and encouragement.

Yes, celebrate with birth of a son or a friend's daughter is sacred. Importantly, do not forget about his beloved. After all, it is now more than ever needs your attention and care. Her desire – the law? Admit it, the first day after the hospital your wife has to spend exactly as she wants. Why Mommy wants the newly formed? First of all, calm. Away, vanity Hello, world, full of love and harmony! Create it! If you do not, then who? Before an important event will discuss with his wife, who will pick her up from hospital.

One mums happy to see many relatives (grandparents, sisters, brothers), the other – no. What will give preference to your half? Let be a pleasant homecoming. Purely cleaned apartment fresh air, dinner, flowers … Trite? Believe me, my love will appreciate the effort. Do not forget, please, about shopping for the baby. Basically you had to buy before the birth, there were only little things. Pre-compiled list of required things make it easier.
