The Autoresponder

3. Report the latest developments in your niche market (software, eBooks, videos, audio, film, websites, etc..) And put each in a new autoresponder message. 4. Learn more on the subject from Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. Distribute your articles. Write and distribute your articles are a powerful tool to build credibility in your business, serves also to drive traffic to their website and increase potential sales. If your articles contain valuable information, many people recognize that your site serves as a resource.

Place the end of their articles a "resource box" where you give a brief description of your services or products. Let's say you've written fifty articles, put them in separate messages in the autoresponder and send each message each time period. 5. Create a list for editors of other journals or blogs of their market. Tell these publishers on their new items they can be used to publish your own newsletter or Web site or blog.

6. Automate your sales process. Use an ad to insure repeated exposure of your message, this has proven effective in increasing sales. For example, if you are selling a particular product, put testimonials on autoresponder all the benefits and add a description to encourage purchase your product. 7. Distribute advertising. Copper for sending other entrepreneurs advertise their Web sites, blogs, bulletin boards or electronic journals. Do not forget to send notifications about any special offers that are currently doing on your website. 8. Distribute an e-course. Every day, you can send lessons with your autoresponder. Always make sure before sending the lesson contains quality information.
