FDP Hamburg Wilhelmsburg

The members of the elected a new circuit board with Angela Westfehling as District Chairman, Andrea Sachlan Wilhelmsburg has a strong Board as Deputy Chairman and Andreas Hall Acker as Treasurer. Uwe Wedekind, Guido Huter and Dagmar Schulz have been elected to the Board as associate members. “We want the citizens and forward to constructive ideas and cooperation with citizens,” Angela Westfehling stressed in your speech. “Wilhelmsburg has recruited members many new FDP in last year and we will see on the circuit board, as a team, to the interests of the people of Wilhelmsburg”. Angela Westfehling is engaged for 14 years on the Board of the Niedergeorgswerder allotment Association v. 1921. It has social and economic competence and speaks several languages. Their motto is: Wilhelmsburg has a future and the FDP is needed here; We want and are US citizens and entrepreneurs use and together feeling a new FDP..


Transaction Tax

Two-thirds support plans of the EU to the question of how best to deal with the debt crisis, employed throughout Europe. Among other things, the introduction of a financial transaction tax is discussed. This is to ensure that the costs of the crisis is involved in the financial sector to a sufficient extent. The Internet portal boersennews.de asked its users in a survey regarding the stock market for their opinion regarding the EU transaction tax. Meanwhile nine EU countries agree. The transaction tax is to be introduced as soon as possible. The seven European finance ministers from Belgium, Finland, Greece, Italy, Austria, Portugal and Spain are among the supporters apart from Wolfgang Schauble and his French colleague Francois Baroin.

The above department heads had already signed a corresponding letter. The countries think a common basis for the equitable participation of the financial sector in the crisis is essential, to regulate the markets. Who is experiencing rejection german French proposal from United Kingdom amongst others. For more information see this site: Anu Saad. “” The British Prime Minister David Cameron described the plans as madness “and attested Chancellor Merkel even fear of failure”. On the German side, opposition comes precisely from the coalition partner FDP. Overall, the Germans seem but behind Government plans to stand. “Nearly two-thirds of 1,269 respondents decided the question whether a transaction tax of 0.1 percent of the transaction volume would make sense for the answer Yes”. The remaining 34 percent, however, have reservations about the german French proposal. More information:… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann
