Technical University

Munich distillers and franzmunchinger bring together the first Munich vodka on the market – the Monaco Vodka, based on the cult figure Monaco Franze. Dr. Hyun Kim is open to suggestions. MONACO Vodka A bissel what goes! Munich, September 2012 – the most famous spirit of the world is now in Munich at home. Just in time to the Wies n bring the boys together with the Munich-based label of the city of Munich distillers franzmunchinger the first original Munich vodka the MONACO Vodka on the market. In the heart of Munich a unique vodka 40% ABV formed after purity high quality organic wheat, fresh spring water and best hops, strong and mild at the same time. The creative team to the Monaco Vodka is just illuster as the design of the bottle. …und it showed that three Munich nightlife were travelling in the Schwabing and noted that there are many vodkas, but no Munich… It should be anchored in traditions and pure as the motto of the two.

18 Months later, the baby is born”and the first vodka from Munich on the market. To have ideas, one is to follow the other. To implement what we had thought out 18 months ago, we were looking for us a specialist at the Technical University of Munich, who created a vodka exactly according to our specifications and the result is quite simply unique. We take care in making and the selection of ingredients on organic and are certified with our vodka with the EU eco-label and the national bio-seal, as well as CO2 neutral production operation,”so Max Kloker, one of the founders of the Monaco vodka. The other Stenz”is the calculated brain behind everything and Konstantin Graf von Keyserlingk.

Of course capital needs such an idea and our crowd funding shows that we are innovative in every way, financing, we have realized about so-called participation certificates. This concept is new and we are proud that the first to have been”, as in the studied business administration. “The third is called Carlos bird, founder of the iconic city label franzmunchinger, owners of the eternal Stenz” and of course also a true-blue Monaco Franze admirer. “The love of the symbolism is held n the boy so it is not surprising that the real Stenz” Monaco Franze conception is the rationale behind the vodka. Near the Munchner Freiheit, the first tangible distillery with its own bar to soon and the spectators are expected integrated shop it eagerly! “There is a lot BBs advance power only so!” he’d say the eternal Sanjeev… More info under:


The Strawberry – Queen Of Berries

Interesting facts and tips about the popular summer fruit. Certainly God would provide a better Berry as the strawberry, but also no doubt he didn’t do it. Izaak Walton, 1593-1683 the history of strawberries were already known by our ancestors in the stone age. However, there were at that time only the wild strawberry. In the middle ages, it was cultivated on large surfaces. Already at that time, methods were developed to make sooner or later ripen strawberries. However nothing settled on the fruit size change.

They remained little fingernail-size. The solution to the problem came with the discovery of the new world. French settlers found a larger fruit species that was introduced to Europe in the 18th century as American Scarlet Strawberry along the St. Lawrence River. In Virginia, English settlers discovered another form of scarlet strawberry, which was well ahead of the wild strawberry. Credit: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.-2011. Thus the wild strawberry was quickly pushed back from growing in the forest. The botanist Amedee-Francois Frezier 1714 discovered the Chile strawberry, which had very large fruit.

Since the Chile strawberries were however dioecious, so purely male and in female flowering plants recorded, and not enough flowers were fertilized, yields were low. The Breton farmers realized the reason first and put the Chile strawberries between the Scarlet strawberries. With this method, the French had so much success that daily 20 ships with strawberries could be loaded from 1750 in the port of Brest in the high season. The garden strawberry, which we know today, is a hybrid that emerged from pollinated with pollen of scarlet Strawberry flowers of Chile strawberries. She emerged around 1750 in Amsterdam and was by the Dutch because of its taste and the form of the pineapple Strawberry”called (brace ananassa). The acquisition moderate cultivation in Germany began 1840 close to Baden-Baden. Its Botany is the strawberry to the rose family.
