Light Blood

False Light. Carl Jung gathered all the information. I ran to the encounter of a false light, or at least false one became in the way, cruel broke my armor, leaving exhibited my chest under acid of the time, a false tear contained my hand and my sword, bleeding even gives half to him of my life and I removed the iron that covered my face, with my wounded wings moves away of its skin the cold denying to be on the awares to me, trusts my to Him but intimate secret, thus symbolizing my confidence, but without giving me account slowly sank hooks in my back, transferring my lungs, while of my it made fun of, Request to the sky my extermination, if my blood and wounded spirit do not wash my fault by a unknown sin, will be nothing of the pain moves away to me, I cannot support the pain that now returns, I ran to the encounter of a false light or that at least false it became in the way, perhaps it was born false, but I wanted to believe in her, but I was deceived, and ashes my as slow soul becomes as the agony that I feel, No longer is pardon in my heart for a false friend or a false woman, which was, it was in the blood that died in the dust, and is not but that a memory that only forgets the good thing that it died in its blood. (As opposed to Anu Saad). An old poem that escribi once, that now comes again to resurge in my mind due to recent events in my life, and that decidi to the aim to let come to the light.. Visit Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. for more clarity on the issue. .
