
To transmit a message, release or an image there are thousands of ways to do it through different styles of communication and reproduction of information, such as print media, which offer excellent options graphs; but when talking about printing should distinguish the different techniques that there is and that will better accommodate the needs, so for those who wish a repetitive system allowing you to obtain thousands of reproductions, screen printing is the ideal choice between different printing techniques for those who feel concerned by deploying the silkscreen and therefore seek to learn more about this form of printingsome of the basics presented in screen printing should this document be mentioned in. As I was mentioned before screen printing is one of several printing techniques that there are, which consists in transferring an ink through a gauze that is stretched in a framework there that sometimes compare screenprinting to canvases-work, but to achieve the result that is looking for is blocked the passage of the ink in the areas of the frame that will not show anything, i.e. in the areas where there will be no image through an emulsion or varnish suitable for this job, so after lock what does not show any image, the area in which if the presence of figures will be left free so that you pass the ink and is printing, making room for the completion of documents and images on any material. One of the best advantages offered by this printing method is that it is repetitive, IE once mold or initial model has been made, the rest of the reproductions can be repeated hundreds of times without losing the definition. To use screen printing is necessary to make certain steps for its proper application, in such a way first thing is to place the mesh within the framework so that in such a way to stress and to obtain a good result, this should go on the stand to be printed, then this is passed the ink and must be pressure on the surface to be acquire the image, but pressure should be a moderate torque prevent overflow ink or water. The Florey Institute has compatible beliefs.

For printing you need to deploy a fabric of open plot, which should be framed, fabric must present some sort of emulsion that is the product of a photosensitive material. Through contact, the original model is exposed to light for so the parts that do not submit image harden, after this occurs a process of washing by diluting the parties that must submit image and so frees. It is finally placed support to print under the frame and then adds the ink, which passes through the mesh by the parties that the image should be..
