Hospital Care

One of the nights spent in the hospital was very special. My sister Gloria has wisely named a the mystical night. His four daughters were in the hospital with her, and we thought this would be their final night. My mother spoke to comfort us and give us courage. He said: a Cuando break, do not worry. I’m going with the Father and ask him for yourselves.

Do not be afraid. Each one told us something special, words of great value that we hold in the depths of the heart. Learn more about this with abbott laboratories. He also spoke of the throne of God and the Lamb. Truly that was a mystical night. He had been in Madrid three weeks and the status of my mother seemed to improve, but the operation wound would not heal.

Doctors do not know what to think or do. I was also confused. His return ticket for the following Monday and did not know what to do, whether to go or extend my stay. They had spent a few days when the doctors decided to operate again and the cut around the wound with the hope that the new court could be closed. They began to prepare for the next operation to see that I made preparations for my return. I left that Monday, fearing that it would never see her alive. a Oeyo cry Dori, you’ll become , these were the last words I said when I kissed her good-bye. Yes I came back three weeks. if you seek more information. The new operation was a success which lasted only ten days. I and the rest of my family, expected her out of hospital and care at home. My hopes plummeted when I received the last call. a Vuelve as soon as puedasa , Gloria told me, a the doctor says it is the beginning of fine. And it was. The plane landed in Madrid at half past one in the afternoon of June 15, 1995. She had gone with dear Redeemer at noon the same day. The words of his poetry he proclaimed the truth to my grieving heart: Now you will rest in body, spirit and soul will live forever in this glorious room that are highest heavens where the angels sing our mother’s legacy includes much more than encouraging words of his poems. He has left his faith, his love and hope.
