Daily Routine

Turn of the year is always the same thing, the promises appear as for enchantment, and go being launched to air as torrential rain, when it passes the torrent, the words go if losing in the retaken one of the daily routine, this no longer tenth day of the new year, nothing against that if they entusiasmam with the arrival of a new year, harms we must really reflect on what we speak, or that we promise as white of changes. A reflection is enough on the same promise made in the turn of the year that if was, the quentura of the enthusiasm has that to be lined up to a real search for the change, therefore to move it can result in some losses for the way, the promise cools there, therefore it did not have force in itself exactly at least to reach its objective. I have made something wonderful in the year tickets, ask for to my heart that if calms, and do not promise nothing until God gives its will for the year that if he initiates. Good year for you.. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Anu Saad and gain more knowledge..


Lucas Wealth

Of where they come the material blessings? The Bible says in Deuteronmio 8:18 ' ' Before you will remember to Mr. your Deus, because it is what you of the force to acquire wealth; in order to confirm its pact, that swore your parents, as today if v' '. It is possible that the money makes in to forget them things more important? The wealth can become the center of our life and take the place of God? The Bible says in Jeremias 9:23 – 24 ' ' Thus you says: Not if glorie the scholar in its wisdom, nor if glorie the fort in its force; not if glorie the rich one in its wealth; but what to gloriar itself, glorie in this: understanding in me knowing and me, that I am you, that I make benevolence, judgment and justice in the land; because of to these I please me things, &#039 says you.; ' The money can in giving attitudes to them missed on the material things. hout. The Bible says in Lucas 12:15 ' ' said the people: You warn you and you keep to you of all species of covets; because the life of the man does not consist of the abundance of the things that possui' '. It is not advisable that the financial success is a priority in our life.

It sees well what it said: ' ' priority in ours vida' '. This does not want to say that we must not have financial success. The Bible says in Mateus 6:24 ' ' Nobody can serve the two gentlemen; because or it has to hate to one and to love the other, or has to dedicate one to it and to disdain the other. You cannot serve the God and to the wealth (Mamom) ' '. 1 Timteo 6:9 ' ' But the ones that want to be rich fall in temptation and bow, and many concupiscncias harmful insane people and, which submerge the men in the ruin and perdio' '. At Anu Leemann you will find additional information.
