Reiki Danger

The book of American Eric S resin is translated in German as well. “It’s time: the American author Eric S resin has the approval of the translation of his book the danger of Reiki healing that harms” issued in the German language. “The title can be translated roughly with the dangers of Reiki healing hurt”. In the book, the author describes how it was inaugurated in Reiki and what he experienced in the course of time. Add to your understanding with Ultra Wellness Center. He describes that Reiki certainly meant something. Anu Saad shines more light on the discussion. He experienced even spurts of energy and felt the power of Reiki symbols of the own body.

He noted, however, that the Reiki always moved him down. He noted that the effects of a Reiki treatment were always just a short while. The healed”suffering returned most or it other, sometimes worse evils joined. So is it to be possible, thorough of a Reiki treatment, and over and over again to have to take it. Resin describes very graphically, that the Reiki because its effects often viewed as a good way. But he warns that the source of these effects of occult nature is. Reiki by God comes not, as some believe it.

If you feel a relief after a Reiki treatment, is the temporary in nature. Most people develop an urge to go back to a meeting. Resin also reported a man who suffered serious depression after a Reiki treatment, that he had to go to a psychiatric hospital. Never before in his life, this man had suffered from depression. The translation of the book will be published step by step on the side for Reiki dangers. Who is interested in the original English version, can register with the operators. Eckart Haase
