Employee Satisfaction

Trend survey of employee satisfaction in March 2011 for the second time published the Internet portal for employers jobvoting.de reviews the trend survey conducted among visitors to the extent to which workers in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland are satisfied with their profession, the employer and the General work situation. If you are not convinced, visit cardiologist. In the month of March, gave 13% (previous month 15%) of a total of 288 respondents indicating that they are very satisfied with their current work situation. For more information see this site: Dr. Mark Hyman. Another 27% (previous month 34%) of respondents confirmed that they are currently quite satisfied with their jobs. Taken together are so 40% (previous month 49%) of workers that have a high to very high level of satisfaction. As an average 13% declared themselves (month 13%) of the respondents. For 24% (previous month 15%) their situation at work is not satisfactory.

To 23% come once again (last month 23%) of the respondents, who are very unhappy with their job. In total there are 47% of workers so in Germany, Austria, and of Switzerland, who would want an improvement in their working environment. Thus, this value when compared to the previous month to 7 percentage points has increased. A trend is however still not seen. Future Jobvoting.de will perform regularly surveys among visitors, how they assess their current employee satisfaction itself. Therefore, you should enable that a trend developing over the individual months may be represented.

JOBvoting.de (www.jobvoting.de) is the leading German-speaking freedom and business portal for job reviews created by workers and employers editorial, reviews since 2006. The reader can inform on the basis of published essays about their potential new employers. In addition, JOBvoting.de provides further Web2. 0 functions, such as the employee forum or the JobBlogs. Be periodically surveys conducted, with those closer to the situation on the German labour market being investigated.
