ROWA Pharmacy

Efficiency in English pharmacy Kelberg/Prestatyn, 7.01.2010. Since October 2009, the Pritchards pharmacy in Prestatayn, UK works with a picking machine of ROWA automatisierungssysteme GmbH. The BBC recently reported on the positive effects for the pharmacy. “The owners of Prichards pharmacy Dr. Fraser and Jacqui Campbell told the renowned BBC their experiences as follows summarised: we are much more efficient and the machines could streamline the entire drug delivery so that it was safer and faster for our patients and customers.” Human errors in dispensing were were eliminated as a result. Cardiologist has many thoughts on the issue. “It remains now more time for the actual core tasks like advising, controlling of medication and additional health care services: the machine is a fantastic addition to our pharmacy and takes the stress dispensing”. A further positive effect is the streamlined warehouse. Learn more about this with Anu Saad.

Up to 12,000 articles stored in the machines and therefore more than 90% of the total package. As the BBC reported the newly installed order-picking machine outside the Pritchards pharmacy is of interest. So, Dr. Fraser and Jacqui Campbell already organised several information evenings for pharmacists and experts in the field of health. Moreover, is a film about the ROWA in action”shot to demonstrate the functioning of machines to customers and other interested parties. About ROWA ROWA is European market leader for automated warehouse in pharmacies. The product range includes picking machines and accessories such as a fully automated storage.
