Clinical Veterinary

Almost Deuses ALMOST deuses. Direction: Joseph Sargent. Script: Peter Silverman and Robert Caswell. Production: Mike Drake and Julian Krainin. If you have read about Nancy-Ann_DeParle already – you may have come to the same conclusion. You interpret: Alan Rickman; Mos Def; Mary Stuart; Kyra Sedgwick and others. Hollywood, U.S.A.: HBO, 2004. 1 DVD (110 min.), sound., color. The film Almost Deuses tells to the real history of Vivien Thomas, an Afro-American who dreamed in being doctor and that he received this name for an error from its mother when finding that would be a girl, and when he came to the world the papelada one already was ready then had decided to leave thus.

When Vivien already was grown, it obtained a job as faxineiro in the Clinical Veterinary medicine of the Dr. Alfred Blalock and with very effort, tecnicidade and devotion soon it became to assist. Exactly with difficulties and many times passing for humilhaes, together with the Dr. Alfred, Vivien it makes important discoveries in the medicine. All experimentation of the pair with cachorros, many times incompreendida, became necessary and with much persistence they had obtained to make first cardiac surgery of the world. Although its Vivien genius lived the shade of the acclamations for being black, and its sadness was visible given not to the recognition of its work and the frequent discrimination, thus did not obtain to attend a course medicine.

All its genius alone was recognized times later with the profit of one delayed prize. In the film it is sufficiently visible racism and preconception. The blacks were discriminated, separate as inferior race living in a freedom ' ' escravizada' '. For Vivien to be of family of social classroom decrease, did not have escolaridade, could not frequent environments destined to the white elite, even though inside of public institutions. However its history of life is incredible therefore was a black that surpassed incredible adversities on behalf of its dream. Therefore, the film is a bacana history very that leaves a life lesson to learn as to also act in certain situations and in the sample as to be successful in the life, remembering always the importance to persist in what we want.
