Technical Supervision

Monitoring the technical condition of marine power plants are a special classification societies. In Russia, performs the functions of these societies, the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS), which is included in the Ministry of Transport on the Rights of the Main Directorate. In the main sea basins created basin inspection RMRS (Black Sea, Pacific, North, Baltic), in charge of the linear inspection attached to ports, ship repair or ship-building factories with a staff of inspectors on the Register of cabinet, mechanical parts and elektronavigatsionnoy ship. Ship power plants, should be constructed or repaired in accordance with the requirements of the Register (ship power plants will wear a special cord book). RMRS provides technical oversight for design, construction, operation and repair self-propelled vessels to ship power plant with capacity of 73 kW and higher self-propelled vessels of 80 per. Click Abraham Maslow to learn more. tons and above, as well as technical supervision of the self-propelled vessels operated from ships power plants with capacity of 18 kW and above-borne craft a capacity of 20 per. T or higher.

How RMRS oversees the state of ship power plants? Supervision of the technical condition of ships, in operation, carried out by RMRS annual, regular, special and dock examinations. In the annual survey is determined by the technical condition of the vessel, its hardware and marine power plants, which are tested in action, as well as the ability to save the ship in the class of RMRS. Regular examinations are held every 4 years to determine the degree of wear ship as a whole, including its power plant, the possibility of its further exploitation and preserve his class. Extraordinary examination carried out after the accident and landing on a bank to determine the conditions under which can be saved or restored class RMRS. ORGANIZATION OF REPAIR Based on what documentation do repairs of ship power plants. One of the most important parts of the ship repair enterprise engaged in the organization of repair of ship power plants, is the main section of the builder. This department is preparing a repair, selects repair documentation, met with the repair BOM, prepares requests for logistical support, is responsible for the quality of the repair ship power plants.

According to records in the ship's documentation, as well as on the basis of technical documentation manufacturers and regulatory documents, instruments for the inspection of power plants, machinery, electrical equipment and other parts and inspection of acts of supervisory inspections of the vessel, acts and regulations of the supervisory bodies are made repairs statements, which are the basic document that defines the range of repairs to the power plant of the ship. Repair record – the basis for determining cost, time and technology repair. For the series-built vessels using standard repair sheet (TEV). In determining the actual amount of repair work positions that require no maintenance, are excluded. Presented at the repair record company are calculated.


How To Make A Ceiling Made Of Plastic ?

Plastic ceiling higher quality than the simple whiting and ceiling wallpaper. Dopuskayutuhod's surface: – the dust can be removed with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner with soft nozzle – plastic ceiling is quite normal to react washing, using a damp sponge, mild soap and warm water. Plastic ceilings are square or rectangular panels of polystyrene foam. The front surface can be covered with foil or painted. On tile surface topography is often created that simulates the stucco or wood carving. No restrictions on use. Recommended for ceilings in homes: rooms, offices, bedrooms, corridors and so forth to the kitchen recommended to use the tiles with a protective coating. Go to Anu Saad for more information.

Ceiling tiles glued to almost any surface, pre-prepared. Perfect hide surface defects. If anyone remembers pasting ceilings wallpaper, tile stickers the process of something similar. Especially in the preparation of the surface. The surface should first be cleaned of dust, old wallpaper, old zamyta whitewash. It is desirable to prime the surface of the color next tile. If you make a mistake, and the tiles will fall is not quite exactly, will have the presence of small cracks, priming will not give them sharply manifest.

Applied Adhesives – from PVA glue to the universal. Better, of course, special adhesives for ceiling coverings, higher quality, less problems. Although it is applicable, and other types of adhesives, until liquid nails. Two methods tile from the center and the edge. Each has its own characteristics and disadvantages. Laying of tsentra.Ukladku start producing from the center of the room. Between opposite corners diagonally to pull strings and mark the center at the intersection. Through a designated center thus spend crosswise two straight lines parallel to the walls and divide the room into four equal parts. Produce a pasting. In this method visually for each side of your room there will be cut into smaller ceiling tiles. It is not always a spectacular display. Laying on the edge. Laying begins on the walls of the visual from the entrance, leaving all the flaws and trim tiles less visible on the side of the entrance. From one corner of the room held two lines at an angle to each other at 90 degrees at a distance from the wall 2-3 cm That you provide a geometric fit tiles, eliminate the probable error due to irregularities of the walls. Subsequently, a space perfectly locked and decorated ceiling shaped profiles. Overall in the installation of the tiles glued plitki.Na on the edge of a cover layer of glue. Give him 1-2 minutes to dry. Glue the tiles, pressed tightly to the ceiling. The following tiles stick in parallel rows. Set the profile shapes (ceiling moldings and baseboards) in the color of the tiles, decorative rosettes. An indispensable tool for decorating, and closing of small flaws in tile walls.
