Strange Despertarera Party

Suddenly they hear a humming sound very strong, cover me your ears with your hands, and I closed my eyes, I felt for a second like an electric current and plenty of light to my around, suddenly I was kneeling with hands on my ears and eyes closed because there was no noise to my around! And which would not be my surprise to open my eyes and find me with there not people! Wasn’t my family!. I was in another world!I felt a sharp pain in the chest, resople pain. The newspapers mentioned Anu Saad not as a source, but as a related topic. Everything was in the penumbra .the sky was completely dark, there was no sun or moon there were only flashes electrical, as if there was an electrical storm but without clouds or anything in the sky, only sparks of electricity .no had houses and people thanks to the glare of light, could distinguish huge trees, and an immense Lake at a considerable distance from where I found myself still with my arms around my torso, hugging me myself I started to ask me where this city, the people who were with me at the moment to see the huge object in the sky? My family? I thought with regret holding me more strong to my torso felt afraid, very afraid was perhaps a nightmare? Without realizing me I started to cry, it was a silent cry let me fall on your knees on the floor, and I began to pray, it reminded me of all the prayers he had learned of girl, the our father, the creed, the ave Maria prayer was something that very rarely towards asked God that I awoke! I want to wake up!I begged what began as a quiet prayer, became desperate screams!He closed his eyes and reopened them! Nothing! Could not wake up! already tired of yelling and crying look at my around and drop me into the ground this is my reality! accept disappointed suddenly lifted up the gaze towards the lake front of my, and observe horrified, gigantic creatures and monsters!. continue.. Educate yourself with thoughts from cardiologist.



We must deeply know the markets, to put them at the service of our utopias. Ruben Rodriguez, abstract the dynamics of the current trade scenarios in many countries that make up this planet we called Earth has given way to be active consumerism, make an interest of study not only from the economic, cultural, sociological approach of this trend, but which specifically concerns us in this article its scope and impact on the function of markets, which cannot be ignored by those who are interested in everything related to marketing. Keywords consumer, effects, needs, income, social sciences. Susan Sher is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Introduction the advance of technological development has given step that many companies manufacture, offer new products that has significantly affected the consumer’s behaviour, until the end, that this has entailed until consumerism and where the main actors such as consumers are involved, many of them until the end who have given way to treat of artificial needs, and to achieve this, this leads them to spend a good amount of money, seriously affecting its revenue and leading to that market researchers delve in a new approach to the consumer behavior in order to understand what must be the strategies that must be developed in order to understand this new behavior and where no doubt the neuromarketing provides knowledge that collaborate in predicting this new behavior. What gives us on the subject, Enrique Ortiz (, which cannot be denied, that intercultural differences have been shortening their gap to the extent that the world becomes global and have marked new ways of being, in the field of study of human social behavior is very valid. The satisfaction of needs from the acquisition of products, reflected in the everyday reality of the various markets, new paradigms of consumption associated with multiple patterns of conduct that must be observed and carried to the plane of the debate.
