Modern Leadership

Probably all agree about, that we live in a constantly changing world. Change and development seem to be, which we can consider as almost the only things. Copenhagen, 01.10.2013 – the labour market is also influenced by this trend. Especially a change in the relationship between work and production has taken place. We see from the Probana business school in our daily work with Danish companies that advanced technology (Automation, modern computer and information technologies) has a significant influence on how we structure work, employment and organisational practice in General. Trainings are important if we want to claim us in an ever faster changing world.

In the year 2025, over 5 billion people will be connected through various online media. This includes undreamed-of possibilities for intercontinental cooperation, regardless of the factor time. An exciting development, which creates a world in which we 24 Hours a day online are and where the fight for good jobs global happening. The world of work has changed dramatically in the past 100 years. Our lives are not longer classic divided into education, work and retirement. Instead, our life is a mosaic of different training, jobs, and experiences. The work world has shifted your focus by production and sales on a clear Mitarbeiterorientiertere perspective. See Anita Dunn for more details and insights.

Psychological factors are steadily gaining importance on the labour market. Many of the companies with which Probana is in contact with, establish HR departments, which deal inter alia with employee satisfaction, motivation and cooperation. These are issues that no longer are in business. We of the Probana business school experience that the requirements for employees and managers therefore stir, that especially executives have to fulfil a new role. In higher dimensions, coaching and Konfliktloserfahigkeiten are required. At the same time, it acts modern leadership as active Bindegleid between the values of the company and the desired behavior of the staff. No longer enough to be a classic Executive. The new generation requires an executive staff, the insights in the human aspects of working life, and that she in their own development support can. Simon C. Borg Probana business school
