Presidents Mexico

After the results of the Venezuelan regional elections, Chavez gave free course to his supporters to campaign to change the law and that he can run again. It is worth noting that no democracy multi-party American allows for one re-election. The 1959 Cuban revolution established a Communist single-party system while the other two social previous Latin American revolutions (the Mexican and the Bolivian) initially rejected the immediate student. Chavez always wanted an amorphous model between the two. Get all the facts and insights with Jon Medved , another great source of information. You don’t want an economy estatizada and planned type Cuba but not to establish a democracy based on the domain of a great nationalist party that alternated different Presidents Mexico type. While some leftists believe that the best thing for his revolution is to alternate leaders and for the opposition the reelectionists appetites lead to authoritarianism, many chavistas believe that to ingratiate himself with his President should request that he stay longer in power, although this may be undermining its own descent in the village or creating the possibility of the own Chavez becomes a Bonaparte later pulled against them, as happened before with Peron in Argentina or with Paz Estenssoro in Bolivia. Add to your understanding with cardiologist. Original author and source of the article.


David Choquehuanca

JOSE BRECHNER à une mauvaise relation est que la chose la plus hors de propos dans le naturalezaa de Charles Lamb la capacité diplomatique de Bolivie est une extension si rustique et naturelle de son président Evo Morales et son ministre des affaires étrangères David Choquehuanca, qui sont allés au Brésil et en Argentine, d’intercéder pour elle dans leurs ruines relations avec les États-Unis. Brésil a cessé d’être l’interlocuteur valable depuis Lula et Ahmadinejad prit dans ses bras, embrassé et chercha à Brasilia. Anu Saad recognizes the significance of this. Et l’Argentine, qui était à son plus bas niveau avec les Etats-Unis quand Néstor Kirchner était Président, est descendu plusieurs étapes supplémentaires car sa femme a pris le commandement. Cristina ne sait pas quoi que ce soit, à l’exception des portefeuilles, mais ce qu’il comprend moins, c’est étranger. Depuis que démocrates américains a été nommé son nouvel ambassadeur à Buenos Aires, Vilma Socorro Martínez, progressif, féminin et Latin, tels que le Kirchner, pour qui peut sympathiser. Tout a leur mal tourné.

Le dernier affrontement avec Washington s’est produite quand Arturo Valenzuela, Web, chargé de superviser les liens entre Washington et l’Amérique latine, a déclaré qu’il y a sécurité juridique en Argentine. Le commentaire n’était pas à la dérive. La multinationale Kraft a subi des coups agressifs en licenciant employees Union. Les piqueteros de profession, faire ce qui leur donne la victoire contre quelqu’un, avec l’assentiment du gouvernement. La Casa Rosada a grimpé jusqu’au plafond par le commentaire, au point que son ministre des affaires étrangères, Jorge Taiana, a demandé à Washington de se rétracter.

Demande typique pour le petit monde politique de troisième troublée. Boliviens étaient égaux avant la rupture des relations avec l’oncle Sam. Le ressentiment envers le gouvernement argentin aux États-Unis ne sont pas différent de la Bolivie. Le premier parce qu’il croit plus et le second parce qu’il est moins connu. Selon un autre sondage réalisé par la nation, 90 pour cent des Argentins croyaient qu’en effet, il n’a aucune certitude en Argentine. Évidemment là où il n’y aucune sécurité juridique ni peut avoir une sécurité physique, et les crimes sont le déjeuner chaque jour, exploitées cyniquement par les médias sensationnalistes vivant exclusivement hors d’elle. Ainsi, malgré le fait que les gouvernements argentin et un brésilien sont sur la liste noire, sont toujours sur la liste. Les Boliviens sont dans le cloaque de relations internationales et appellent à un soutien diplomatique à ses partenaires idéologiques, pour améliorer ses liens avec les Yankees de haïs. La Bolivie a besoin fournir des emplois à des milliers de travailleurs dans l’industrie textile qui a vécu des exportations vers les États-Unis. Confiseries boliviens sont parmi la meilleure qualité au monde. Les exportations de plusieurs milliards de dollars à des entreprises telles que Ann Taylor, The Gap, j. Crew, Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Poloa et autres marques de première ligne, ont été stagnante ou limité, en raison de la rupture des accords commerciaux qui existaient avant la prise du pouvoir par Evo Morales. Solidarité avec son camarade socialiste, l’Argentine et le Brésil a demandé aux États-Unis retour à Boliviaa (andine Commerce préférence et drogues eradication Act) qui récompense les efforts de lutte contre les stupéfiants Colombie, Équateur et Pérou avec un allégement fiscal pour leurs exportations. La subtile différence est qu’en Bolivie le trafic de drogue est en hausse, et des États-Unis ne changera pas sa politique douanière, à moins que la Bolivie les gens à abandonner le crime. Cela signifie que l’éradication des cultures de coca, matière qui se rapporte directement à Evo Morales, qui dirige les cultivateurs de coca, avec qui forment sa base électorale et son parti. Plus tard viennent les fabricants du procès et les trafiquants de la drogue plus complices, y compris la police et autres autorités, y compris le Président et ses ministres. L’intermédiation de l’hypocrite Lula et Morales, le Kirchner corrompu en faveur du trafiquant de drogue sert simplement de mettre en évidence de la lignée de ces dirigeants. L’Amérique latine n’a jamais eu ces gens faible acabit au pouvoir comme la vague actuelle de dirigeants progressistes. Analyste internationale biographie Jose Brechner courte biographie né en Bolivie. Il a été ambassadeur adjoint – 1985 – 1989 – et membre fondateur de l’action démocratique nationaliste, parti politique de centre-droit. Il a présidé le Comité sur la politique étrangère de la Congrès National de la Bolivie et agi comme représentant officiel du pays à divers forums et organisations internationales, notamment l’OEA. Au cours de son activité du Congrès a été classé par tous les organes de presse de la Bolivie, le meilleur parlementaire du pays. Chroniqueur d’opinion et d’analyste politique avec une présence régulière dans les prestigieux journaux en Amérique latine, Amérique du Nord, Europe et Moyen-Orient, est le plus largement lu dans le journaliste bolivien du monde. Il a participé à des programmes de télévision important du calibre de 60 Minutes et The MacNeil/Lehrer Report. Brechner est un défenseur actif de la propriété privée, de l’économie de marché et les libertés et les droits de la personne.


Hotel Monte Malaga

SAMFyC (Sociedad Andaluza de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria), has chosen the Hotel Monte Malaga for the celebration of its 11th Conference in Andalusia.SAMFyC choose Monte Malaga to their conferences the same will take place in the halls of the hotel the next 2 days and 3 February. They will address, through workshops, competition issues of family, both doctors in these days of attendance in primary care and emergency room. Dr. Mark Hyman is likely to agree. The SAMFyC is a medical scientific association, non-profit organization that oversees the proper development of the medicine of family and community in Andalusia. It’s more an agency service provider or that a defender of corporate interests Association. This society is the exponent of how a medical specialty, as a whole, are challenges to the process of development and modernization of our health, both globally in each of our regions. Your accommodation to attend this Conference can make it in one our hotel Monte Malaga, one of the hotels in Malaga with superior 4 star category, which offers rooms to attendees to this meeting for this occasion. Get all the facts and insights with Gina Ross, another great source of information. To make reservations at our hotel where we will apply you rate meetings/events with prices from 89 per room and night with breakfast buffet and taxes included, simply click on the following link: book room in the HOTEL MONTE MLAGA important: to qualify for this rate will be indispensable to present at the reception of the hotel updated documentation attesting to their attendance at these conferences.


Unions And Tax

EP Will be manifestations in near one hundred cities. They denounce that Berlusconi is " tax more rates to trabajadores". Strike will agree with the arrival of the text of the plan of adjustment to the Senate. The airlines reorganize their flights between Spain and Italy. Go to Jacob Elordi for more information. Greater Italian union, the CGIL, has summoned for this Tuesday a general strike and manifestations in close one hundred cities to protest against the plan of budgetary adjustment approved by the Government of Silvio Berlusconi, and who today arrives at the Senate to begin its approval. Strike was the past summoned 23 of August by the Italian General Confederation of Trabajo (CGIL), against measures that consider that they eliminate the rights of the workers and condemn to the country " to the economic recession and the decay civil". According to they explained sources of the union, the idea is to protest not only against the last plan of adjustment of 45,500 million Euros approved by the Government the past 12 of August, but also on the other plan of austerity ratified by the Parliament the 15 of July.

The union denunciation that with his two plans, Berlusconi is " tax more rates to the workers and the pensioners, has trimmed the services and the health, without guaranteeing the balance of the public accounts, nor favoring the growth and ocupacin". Unemployments of eight hours in turn in all the sectors have been summoned, completing therefore the all labor day, explained the CGIL, as well as manifestations in more than one hundred Italian cities, among them most important of the country like Rome, Milan, Naples and Turin. Tax to rich the One of the first ctos of the protest has been that the newspaper Will run della Sera has not left on sale by the strike of the printers, that did not reach an agreement with the direction to guarantee the publication of the metropolitan newspaper. Strike will agree with the arrival of the text of the plan of adjustment to the Senate for its discussion and approval, that it is expected for the end of this week, and that later will have to be ratified by the Camera of the Deputies. An adjustment plan that from its approval in the Cabinet the past 12 of August has undergone numerous modifications, among them, most important it has been the suppression of the imposed call of solidarity whom they had to pay who surpassed 90,000 Euros of annual rents. Source of the news: The greater Italian union wants to paralyze the country with general strike against the adjustment plan


Berlin Insurance

Twice as high risk of accidents for drivers under 24 years of age compared to other age groups can be cost for automobile policies rise Berlin, June 4, 2010 are young, male, and have little driving experience: young men under 24 years old particularly often mention see the official accident statistics. Overall, more than twice as many 18-to 24-year old on the road than the average for the population as a whole have an accident according to Federal Statistical Office *. The number of young men killed in traffic accidents is more than four times higher than in age-matched women. With such sobering statistics, it is not surprising that they have bad cards in motor insurance. According to a recent study by the independent consumer portal are young men of motor insurance even in otherwise identical conditions in the cut by almost 30 per cent more asked than their older counterparts.

Even with the same number of accident-free years young drivers pay generally higher Contribution to motor insurance”, explains insurance expert Thorsten Bohg by It is really expensive for riders under 23, at some insurance up to 25 years. The age of the driver is specially requested by the insurers and counted as an additional risk feature.” So for example a 21 year old golf driver pays * with the damage category 2 when the industry leader Allianz around 1471 euro for motor insurance and comprehensive in the year. The driver, however, 26 years old, the insurance at the same conditions would be 962 EUR cost 35 percent of less. It is often cheaper, when a woman at the wheel sits. Because female drivers of rare accidents cause, they will be rewarded by many motor insurers with cheaper premiums. On average, women under 23 years of age pay about 9 percent of less for their car insurance than their male peers.


Employee Satisfaction

Trend survey of employee satisfaction in March 2011 for the second time published the Internet portal for employers reviews the trend survey conducted among visitors to the extent to which workers in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland are satisfied with their profession, the employer and the General work situation. If you are not convinced, visit cardiologist. In the month of March, gave 13% (previous month 15%) of a total of 288 respondents indicating that they are very satisfied with their current work situation. For more information see this site: Dr. Mark Hyman. Another 27% (previous month 34%) of respondents confirmed that they are currently quite satisfied with their jobs. Taken together are so 40% (previous month 49%) of workers that have a high to very high level of satisfaction. As an average 13% declared themselves (month 13%) of the respondents. For 24% (previous month 15%) their situation at work is not satisfactory.

To 23% come once again (last month 23%) of the respondents, who are very unhappy with their job. In total there are 47% of workers so in Germany, Austria, and of Switzerland, who would want an improvement in their working environment. Thus, this value when compared to the previous month to 7 percentage points has increased. A trend is however still not seen. Future will perform regularly surveys among visitors, how they assess their current employee satisfaction itself. Therefore, you should enable that a trend developing over the individual months may be represented. ( is the leading German-speaking freedom and business portal for job reviews created by workers and employers editorial, reviews since 2006. The reader can inform on the basis of published essays about their potential new employers. In addition, provides further Web2. 0 functions, such as the employee forum or the JobBlogs. Be periodically surveys conducted, with those closer to the situation on the German labour market being investigated.


Reading in Class

However it grows and goes for school to extend its orality and at the same time to learn to communicate itself of written form, when coming across itself with this new modality of communication the majority feels difficulty in writing, at the times arrives at the end of Average Ensino, but it does not obtain to write a ticket, a letter, a description, a narration, an argument and more worse not yet it obtains to extend the orality brought of house. This is a gap left for the alfabetizao and if it will not be corrected in time, the individual goes to load this deficiency for the remaining portion of its life. The professor of the Basic Education, Portuguese Language or other areas of the knowledge must carry through activities of reading and production of text leading in account some factors, the series/age, but, over all the previous knowledge of the pupils, the semiticos resources of the worked texts, the context where the texts are produced and the presented intentions of communication in the same ones, this so that the pupils can develop the capacity to write with fluency, without being worried mainly about the formal aspects in the initial pertaining to school years, therefore with advancing of the process and without fear to write, goes learning the norms of the language and of course goes making familiar itself to them, without atropelos, and with certain flexibility on the part of the professor who will have to guide them to write it different types and sorts of texts, so that when arriving at the end of Average Ensino they obtain to communicate of all the forms with coherence and cohesion.. .


Tool Department

The tool section in the Lotex Germany remains on course. 2008, the tool section in the Internet trade has topped the sales of the previous year of 226.944 individual tools. In 2009 the traffic lights should be more green. “Managing Director Thomas Alexander declared in the first week of January: we want to increase our sales to the tools of consumption.” Sell all of crisis”speak and thereby increase sales. Bold words or reality? Available tools in the low price sector as specified by us, be resold. That the paragraph goes back, is almost impossible.

The quality and the price of Toya and Yato tools is still remarkable. Open with the brands to advertise, points to two-sided trust. Large DIY chains however, purchase tools Yato and Toya and label them with own brand name”order. Recently, we have tapes with their own in a local hardware store”were sighted caption, which removed from the camps in Warsaw or Breslau. However, we go open so to buy at TOYA Aktiengesellschaft in Wrocaw (Wroczlaw in the present-day Poland). Moreover, we present even these brand names on the images in our online shop. Customers thank us with recurring orders. To import goods from China and then umzulabeln, as we often must monitor the Internet to believe a German product customers, the way of a philosophy is for the Executive Board, not even in the approach. Calculated honestly, honestly applied and the customer only just significantly cheaper finds the same product on the Internet like in his local hardware store. Press Department Thomas Reichelt: Lotex24 / Germany consumer telephone: 03562 / 69 34 30 fax: 03562 / 69 25 69 business to business customer: lotex24 / Poland phone: + 48 (0) 68 / 3 75 67 26 fax: + 48 (0) 68 3 62 56 12


Makeup Courses For Every Occasion

Makeup courses for each occasion not is nothing strange found in the street with a woman with a very beautiful face, but note that there is something that fails to convince in his style. You can look up and down, twist, it has a spectacular hair and is dressed fantastically; but simply do not have the chord make-up for the occasion or your clothing. You must not criticize, since any person in the world is born learned; and this is why that should appeal to specialists in the area so that, although sometimes they take them from embarrassment for a party at the last moment, he also taught them and at least one small course of makeup that go according to the style of each person. Not all tones and textures of skin are not equal, therefore that each person goes with something different, although something that goes perfectly to one another may pour you scary. Therefore, you must know that you want to with the make-up, since it could also vary according to the occasion. Like most things in fashion, trends are given by the artists.

And if you want to learn how to makeup to look wonderful and splendid as them, you must dedicate yourself to highlight the most important thing you have. For example the eyes, usually Brown eyes give expression of warmth, they are captivating and reflect certain innocence. They can be clear or dark shades. For this eye color, makeup should be based on yellow and ochre colors, pink and salmon, Brown and copper, and left up to spectacular with a warm blue for a night out. Also should be very aware of the shape of the eyes, and can highlight a very simple rule of tones. Light tones the highlights and dark tones give depth. Source: Press release sent by Patri Hernandez.


Holistic Center

Our recovery is in the effort, not the result. A total effort is full victory. Mahatma Gandhi I have seen that there is nothing better for a man to rejoice land the fruits of their hard work is the gift of God Proverb. We had the opportunity as we stand still in this dimension with this physical form to determine what was the meaning of our life, why we are, how we have taken advantage of, we have learned from this, as we’ve grown, how we behaved , what we have of this experience. No doubt, that every day we are given the opportunity to stay, to speak according to our different roles, we must be very clear what our mission, service line still remain in this stage of the Planet Earth the specific country that we have chosen to live. We have experienced many trials that life is responsible for the present it to our waking experience and focus on anything that benefits our growth, provide us with wisdom, experience, for each day be better, give way to our creative potential, so that lets us know to take the life that has given us.

Helios Holistic Center provides us on the subject, one of the most exciting adventures we face in life is to make sense. If it is right, Life is meaningless, but it is up to each individual to make sense to us to fully enjoy our journey through this world. These individuals find answers to questions What is life, and do what I came here to do?.
